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ne, jos uvek koristimo majanski kalendar. Juce smo i prinosili zrtve bogovima
pa kad bi jednom oprao rukavice iznutra, bio bi malo manje letalan
http://www.medio.rs/64220_PUCNJAVA-KOD-BIGZA:-Devojka-i-dva-mladica-izresetani-po-nogama!.html celo, sta si radio sinoc
ne brzaj, sad ce seki i abohac da ti objasne sve oko manjka hitboxova, nepostojanja municije i beskonacnog dzetpeka ej seki seki http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvZiEhD0vmE
ma bitno je da ste ti i abohac ustanovili dal je Hawken mech bejzd igrica ili samo UT klon.
kakvo je bre ovo autotune govno i pickopacenicki tekst? -100/10
znaci, ipak nije do OU, pa lepo sam vam rekao
izvini, preterao sam... imas pivo
Isotope Average energy emitted per transformation (MeV Bq-1) Alpha Beta Gamma U-238 4.26 0.01 0.001 U-235 4.47 0.048 0.154 U-234 4.84 0.0013 0.002 Armour piercing ammunitions are generally referred to as "kinetic energy penetrators". DU is preferred to other metals, because of its high density, its pyrophoric nature (DU self-ignites when exposed to temperatures of 600° to 700° and high pressures), and its property of becoming sharper, through adiabatic shearing, as it penetrates armour plating . On impact with targets, DU penetrators ignite, breaking up in fragments, and forming an aerosol of particles ("DU dust") whose size depends on the angle of the impact, the velocity of the penetrator, and the temperature. These fine dust particles, can catch fire spontaneously in air. Small pieces may ignite in a fire and burn, but tests have shown that large pieces, like the penetrators used in anti-tank weapons, or in aircraft balance weights, will not normally ignite in a fire. --------------------------------- In sufficient amounts, uranium that is ingested or inhaled can be harmful because of its chemical toxicity. Like mercury, cadmium, and other heavy-metal ions, excess uranyl ions depress renal function (i.e., affect the kidneys). High concentrations in the kidney can cause damage and, in extreme cases, renal failure. The general medical and scientific consensus is that in cases of high intake, uranium is likely to become a chemical toxicology problem before it is a radiological problem. Since uranium is mildly radioactive, once inside the body it also irradiates the organs, but the primary health effect is associated with its chemical action on body functions. ----------------------------------- Another potential harmful effect is due to external exposure to the radiation emitted by uranium isotopes. The main radiation emitted by isotopes of uranium is alpha particles (helium nuclei). The range of these alpha particles in air is of the order of one centimetre, while in the case of tissue, they can barely penetrate the external dead layer of the skin. For comparison, beta-particles (electrons) are capable of penetrating about a centimetre of tissue, while gamma-radiation (high energy photons) can pass through the body. Therefore, the potential risk from external exposure to uranium isotopes is exceedingly low, unless the uranium is introduced directly into the body (e.g. through a wound). Moreover, as alpha particles cannot travel very far from the source, an individual can only be exposed by coming in direct contact with uranium isotopes. Svi smo bili po malo u pravu.
Nema potrebe za ljutnjom i takvim pristupom. Puskar sam po struci. Zapaljiva AP municija se pravi od raznih stvari, izmedju ostalog i od OU. Ok, lovacke price da mi to imamo, po meni, opravdane. dis^ Necu vise da vam idem na kurac. Izvinjavam se ivanu na ovom postu. o/
Je-bo-te Uses of DU take advantage of its very high density of 19.1 g/cm3 (68.4% denser than lead). Military uses include defensive armor plating and armor piercing projectiles. Pa jebote, nasa vojska ima zalihe municije za M93 od toga. I koriste ga zato sto mozes da ubijas dinosauruse sa tim. truju oni nas drugim putem, ne brini.
Evo, pokusacu da objasnim prostije: KOLICINA RADIJACIJE KOJA SE NALAZI NA NASIM PROSTORIMA JE JEDNAKA NOSENJU MOBILNOG TELEFONA U DZEPU, I LJUDI SAMO SERU O TOME, CISTO DA BI SRALI. Summary Concentrations of beryllium-7 ((7)Be), lead-210 ((210)Pb) and caesium-137 ((137)Cs) were measured at two sites in the city of Belgrade (Serbia). One monitoring site was located in the central city area with heavy traffic and the other within the Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, in the suburbs. Presented data cover the period 2004-9. Activity of the radionuclides was determined on an HPGe detector (Canberra, relative efficiency 23 %) by standard gamma spectrometry. Activities of (7)Be and (210)Pb exhibit a similar seasonal pattern. The mean monthly concentrations of (7)Be did not exceed 7 mBq m(-3). The maxima are correlated with the seasonal increase in temperature, whereas the minima are linearly correlated with the amount of precipitation. The activity of (210)Pb was below 0.9 mBq m(-3). The activities of both radionuclides were very low in winters and were largely affected by precipitation and snow coverage. Concentrations of (137)Cs were mainly below the limit of detection. Affiliation Laboratory of Environmental and Radiation Protection, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Belgrade, Serbia. --------------------------------------- Some kinds of radioactivity are incomparably more dangerous than other kinds, and some materials are far more radioactive than others. Some kinds of things which are radioactive can kill you in just a few seconds of unprotected exposure. Others represent no statistically significant risk even after years of exposure, and depleted uranium is one of them. A human body is more radioactive than an equal mass of depleted uranium because a human body contains carbon-14 and potassium-40, whereas U-238 has such a long half-life as to be almost non-radioactive. Carbon-14 and potassium-40 are also beta sources, and beta radiation (fast electrons) is far more dangerous than alpha radiation (fast helium nuclei) which is what depleted uranium emits feebly. Alpha radiation is by far the least hazardous form of radiation emitted by anything. In order to protect yourself against energetic beta or gamma or fast neutrons, you need inches of lead or feet of concrete. But to protect yourself against energetic alpha, a piece of paper is more than sufficient. In fact, the layer of dead skin cells on the surface of your body is more than sufficient. (Alpha radiation can't even travel very far through air without serious attenuation.) Given a choice, I'd rather spend a year next to a one-ton block of depleted uranium than to spend ten minutes near one gram of C-14 without shielding, because I know that the DU would represent no hazard whatever, whereas that C-14 could cause me serious harm. I know that in some kinds of equipment, depleted uranium is incorporated as a radiation shield around critical components. I know that if the inside of my home was lined with DU foil, then my exposure to radiation would decrease because it would reduce my exposure to cosmic rays without contributing any significant radiation of its own.
Poredio si nuklearnu elektranu per si, i Hirosimu, sa 11k tona zapakovane municije i 11k tona upotrebljene municije. Pokusavam da ti objasnim da ta nuklearna elektrana nije bas 11k tona zapakovane municije, vec mnogo, mnogo vise. Kao sto pokusavam da ti objasnim, da i poret sve te enormne stete u Cernobilu, neki delovi su prohodni i ljudi zive tu, Hirosima je postao grad kao i svaki drugi, i onda ovde dodju svi moguci teoreticari zavere i placu oko sira, kao da ne vide da ovde postoje mnogo gore stvari koje uticu negativno na nas zivot.
Procitaj clanak. Pritom, Hirosima i Chernobil ti takodje nisu za poredjenje. evo ti je hirosima danas evo ti ga chernobil
Brue, pretera ga sad. Kasarna Zuce, pored Avale, ti je hot spot radioaktivnosti u BG-u. Ja sam sluzio gore i naravno da neces videti kako se ljudi setaju kao ABH-ovci. Tamo ljudi rade vec godinama, bez nekih vidnih posledica. Najveci problem su neeksplodirane kasete i rakete zbog zastarelosti opreme. Evo ti jedan stari clanak, ovo je Ivan_ vec postovao, skoro sam i ja ponovo, procitaj i ti... Mislim da dosta toga objasnjava oko radioaktivnosti, pogotovu u svetskom hot spot-u iste. http://www.kiddofspeed.com/chapter1.html edit: Nemoj samo da mislis da branim ista od toga, ali neke stvari se preuvelicavaju, a taj isti Irak nije za poredjenje, posto je najebao mnogo vise od nas.
aaaaaaaaaashdffaff !1
Cenosilikofobija je strah od prazne pivske čaše.