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  1. Dolazim turisticki da ispratim taj "velelepni" dogadjaj.
  2. Molimo igrace Undg-a da,ako ikako mogu, ostanu u Srbiji da oru njive i voze traktore,jer CS nije za RATARE,POVRTLARE,ODZACARE itd.. ..VEZEEE!
  3. Dolazim turisticki,chisto da se zaweeda nesto..ako je tako nesto dostupno u Pancevu?Anyone?
  4. ClanBase NationsCup XI will soon reach the playoffs. NationsCup supervisors have re-evaluated the silent run rule. End of the group stage is closing up. Soon the playoffs will be played, but with change in the rules. NationsCup supervisors have re-evaluated the silent run rule. Pre-season NationsCup supervisors decided not to allow silent run in any way (just like WCG). The rule coursed a lot of red cards and forfeits. Silent run has become a part of this game, disallowing it would only hurt the organizer. Just think back to October 2007. WCG had a superb reputation, but the silent run rule made them look really bad to many. NationsCup realized (even earlier than this statement) that the rule really did not work the way they intended it to work. The teams reaching the playoffs will be allowed to use silent run, without binding duck to scroll or using scripts. Remaining matches in the group stage will be forced to use the rule disallowing silent run totally. Alkulima, NationsCup supervisor states: "When group stage changed into playoff stage, it's a good time to judge if the rules we have had in the group stage have been working as they should. Judging from the number of red cards and forfeits we have needed to give because of teams breaking the silent run rule, it doesn't seem that the rule has been working as it should. In addition, majority of the teams/players playing in this cup clearly would like it to be allowed and there's no consistent answer to the question whether it should be considered as bug abuse or not in all the leagues. We didn't make this decision easily, we asked almost every captain in this cup what do they think about that and clear majority wanted the silent run rule to be changed. After considering all these things, we have decided to allow manual silent run for this cup's playoffs as long as it's not done by using a script and duck isn't binded to scroll." This could still upset quite some teams, e.g. Portugal who did not make it through the qualification round due to the silent run rule. Next match in ClanBase NationsCup XI will be Sunday 2th of March, Switzerland taking on Israel. SA SRECOM.
  5. Poenta price je da se ne mozhe nishta ni ochekivati,ako ne $edesh da vjezhbash.Nemaju motiva,ne trude se,boli ih q za cs,ne mozhe im to Lidija usadit,bez da im da po hiljadu eura,25% sad,75% po prolasku grupa. @Lin,govorim "da sam radio nesto drugo.." ,jer odje od sabijanja po cijeli dan nemash nishta,a ma bash nishta..Tako se danas razmishlja i to je jebena istina. Navodim primjer: Klan Eol iz Cg.3 momka iz te ekipe igraju CS po 4-5 sati dnevno,a zasto ga igraju? Da bi osvojili turnir u Cg i uzeli po 100 eura.2 godine za redom nam obecavaju CS na WCG,a mi dobijamo qrac.Jebala ih fifa i jebo ih c&c...ljudi koji igraju cs su igrali fifu i nfs da bi otisli u Seatle.Znash li koliko ljudi iz CG sanja da odu na WCG ili ESWC..eeee... znam,znachi znam,da kad bi imali tu priliku da odu nedje,napravili bi rezultat,iako odje postoji 1 normalni klan. Izgubili smo od Lithuanie u CB qualy-u 16-4,16-8...Da smo prosli te litvance,ja bih raspolagao sa 10 ljudi,koji bi bili voljni da svaki dan vjezbaju i da se sabijaju...Ali jebesh zhelju i motiv kad nemash uslova kad nema ko da te pogura. Nama u CG je nenormalno takvo nesto,da imash shansu da uradish neshto,a da $edish i ladish muda...
  6. Nekad je Mojo igro na produzhetke,ako se ne varam,sa m5 timom,koji je tada osvojio CPL Qualy u Bg-u pored Virtusa,Adrenalina,Team64....KGB vs EG 14-8 vodili i izgubili (wcg),a EG je u to vrijeme bio u top10 po Gotfrag World rankingu... Znachi nije da se ne mozhe nego se nece i . Jednostavno ne postoji volja da se uradi neshto u gamingu,shto je i razumljivo.Niko nije lud da igra po 5 sati dnevno i da za to dobije povratnu kartu,4-5 dana "preko",neki dobar mish,slushalice...grbu,dioptriju malo vecu itd.. Da sam radio nesto drugo u zhivotu koliko sam igro CS,sad bih bio multimilioner.
  7. Pa vrijeme je da mladi dobiju shansu.Kako mozhe da igra c0nfy,koji upali cs jednom u 2 nedjelje,kojeg bk za CS,a ne neki mladji momci koji imaju vishe zhelje i vremena za igru? Naravno,uz svo duzhno poshtovanje prema c0nfyu. Prijavi mladje za ENC,da vidish kako ce da se kolju za mjesto u prvih 5.
  8. Respect...Jbg,mora se radit neshto korisnije u zhivotu.
  9. Shta bi sa najavljenim sastavom?
  10. Bice bolji sa Get_Rightom,nigga se davno smorio...
  11. Ima istu onu zhelju ko ja kad sam pochinjo
  12. Pa imo sam prilike da gledam...nijesi bot ko gavra.
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