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About TheUndYinG

  • Birthday 07/13/1986

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  1. Ah, evo nas opet na RURu, igra se CS 1.6 :) Ja nisam organizator turnira, sav info imate na FBu https://www.facebook.com/events/1730722687144309 Broj ekipa: 16. (MAX 16)Uplata po ekipi: 5000RSD.Prijave i uplata: do 25.Juna 2016.Trajanje Turnira: 1 dan. 02.07.2016Mesto: Plan B krusevacBroj kompjutera: 24HLDS Lan server: 1000FPSHLTV server i prenos: daMape:dust2,inferno,nuke,train,tuscan,mirageIgra ce se po sistemu banovanja mapa!Nagrade:1.MESTO 35.000RSD+PEHAR+VAUCER+SERVER 2.MESTO 10.000RSD+VAUCER+SERVER 3.MESTO 5.000RSD+VAUCER+SERVER+FREE UCESCE NA SL.TURNIRU Format takmicenja: Winner Losser bracket na 2 eliminacije(ekipa koja bude eliminisana 2 puta na turniru ispada sa takmicenja, sa jednom eliminacijom idalje ima sanse do finala) Za sve informacije oko uplate, kontaktirajte ova 2 profila Јосиф Арсић Nemanja Stojanovic , i dobijate sve potrebne informacije. OVAJ GLAVNI POST CE BITI UPDATEOVAN NAKON SVAKE NOVE INFORMACIJE!!! Tako da pratite nas, sherujte sto vise. FRAG MASTERS LEAGUE!!! GL HF!!!
  2. AHHHHH shteta shto nisam tu za vikend, nisam trsio piljishtorci od onda kad je deda prod'o!!!1!11!!! Lepo se provedite drugari :P
  3. Kaki ste flejmeri, ja mrzim kad chujem kabli :p nekad pishem i kabel. Internet je chudo, elem mob je prodat tako da mozhe lock, btw izgleda da uvek fatboy postuje sliku Kabal-a u mom oglasu :).
  4. Na prodaju beli iphone 4 sa 32GB memorije telefon je sim free, nema nikakvih tragova korishcenja, nema okrzane ivice, nishta nije izlizano, nije padao, vrlo malo je korishcen i stoji mi mesecima, sestra se ne snalazi sa njim tako da ide na prodaju! Na slikama je malo prashnjav ali je telefon maltene nov... Cena 280e uz njega ide usb kabal i punjach 0638088550 PM
  5. Prodajem Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB Crni, star oko 2god, MOBILNI NIKADA NIJE OTVARAN, ZADNJA MASKA JE FABRICHKA! ima pukotinu pozadi kod konektora ali je mobilni u odlichnom stanju, ima tragove korishcenja nazad nije matirao jer je noshen u futroli. Softverski odkljuchan za sve mrezhe, JB 5.1.1, radi mu navigacija, ima SHSH od 4.1 dolazi u originalnoj kutiji sa punjachem koji nije original jer je originalni crko. 140E 0638088550 PM
  6. Woofer Kicker S10L5 u kompresiji 120e Kicker S10L5 (06S10L52) 2x2ohm dvc, odlichno stanje, u maloj kompresiji, izuzetno jak i definisan! The Kicker Solo-Baric L5 woofers inherit all the same patented technology as the dominant L7 square woofers at a more affordable price target. The 08/09 series offers a hot new look and improved design, specifically with the new SoloKon technology and heating disbursement. The patented square design allows for 18% more cone, which translates to more sound for you compared to competing round subs. The SoloKon one-piece, injection-molded cone offers full-coverage back bracing that pushes more air and creates louder bass than ever before. The Santoprene rubber surround of the L5 handles the power of the motor and cone, and a rear foam gasket secures the stamped-steel basket to any given baffle. The logo-bearing steel basket with spring-loaded terminals, a stout magnet, and the logo-bearing protective front gasket also allow the L5 to take on power like never before. Key Features: 10" Dual 2 Ohm Solo-Baric L5 Series Subwoofer Power Handling: Peak: 900 watts RMS: 450 watts Impedance: Dual 2 ohm Titanium deposit impregnated cone woofer with rolled outer edge Santoprene rubber surround Stamped steel basket Vented 360° back bracing Rear foam gasket Spring loaded terminals Poly-cotton semi-progressive spider Heat-dispersing, solid pole piece Spiralead™ tinsel leads High-temperature dual 2 ohms voice coils Frequency response: 24-100 Hz Sensitivity: 88 dB Woofer Image Dynamics IDMAX10 v.3 D4 200e jedan od boljih woofera, ne odgovara mi omazha jer mi je drugi DVC2 znachi 2x4ohm ide na prodaju! Woofer je jako redak na balkanu i americhke je proizvodnje vazhi za izuzetan SQ woofer 1000w RMS i ne trazhi puno snage. . . mozhe i za spl da shutira ko voli. . . Dolazi sa BR kutijom od medijapana tuniranom za slushanje, kutija treba da se tapacira. . . Na kutiji su pozlaceni terminali i kablovi od 4cm2, ko zheli oba mozhe dogovor 10" Dual 4 ohm ID MAX V.3 Series Subwoofer Power Handling: Peak: 1800 watts RMS: 1000 watts Recommended Power Range: 200-1000 watts Pressed paper composite cone woofer Parabolic EPDM rubber surround Over 2" long linear excursion RaDiaToR cooling system for heat dissipation Radiant Diametric Torisonal Reinforcement High compliance suspension design Flat spider with NOMEX cloth woven tinsel leads High-temperature flat wire, flat wound voice coil Inverted dust cap with logo Powder coated alloy proprietary basket 3-1/2" peak-to-peak surround excursion Woofer Kicker S12L7 750/1500w 200e 750w RMSa ali je bar 2x snazhniji cena je bez kutije i grilla DVC4 08s12l7-4 in greater sound pressure produced by the woofer The massive motor structure of the L7 paired with KICKER's patented square-woofer technology provides extreme output capability Heat-sinking cast aluminum basket provides a strong motor foundation and maintains low temperatures during long-term operation Injection-molded SoloKon™ is our most advanced cone design, adding targeted strength for reliable performance and accurate response Patented corner-ribbed, double-stitched Santoprene® surround provides durability at high excursion with uncompromised sound quality 360° constant-contact back bracing adheres directly to every contour of the cone to maximize mechanical coupling of the motor, maintaining precise linear excursion while making the woofer as strong and responsive as possible Heavy-duty speaker leads are stitched and glued to the spider rolls for reliable performance when pushed to the limits Progressive-roll spider keeps stress away from the glue joint of the spider landing for long-lasting reliability Venting in the back-bracing of the cone and perimeter of the spider landing provides maximum air-flow to cool the voice-coil during operation Dual Voice Coils with high-temp copper windings handle extreme power levels for long durations without burning out T-cut top plate extends the magnetic field of the motor, adding balanced motor strength throughout the entire excursion path of the voice coil Solid-dome extended pole piece maintains precise voice-coil control and aids in heat dissipation Kontakt PM ili 0638088550
  7. Cena 350e za Xbox sa svim modovima (1.5TB HDD) + 1 joypad carbon Doplate: kinect 60eu daljinac 20e crni joy 35eu
  8. Ostalo josh Kicker S12L7 bez kutije 199e Kicker S10L5 sa kompresionom kutijom 120e PowerCap US Blaster FatBoy kondenzator 40e
  9. Na prodaju moj CarPC u kompletu ili odvojeno (komponente bih prodao posebno samo ako prvo prodam plochu) Plocha je pogodna za HTPC mini-itx standard (17x17cm) Zotac Ion A-E (sa svojim adapterskim napajanjem), merio sam potroshnju i nije prelazila 25w u toku gledanja FullHD filma.... Kompletno pakovanje sa rachunom! Garancija vazhi do 10.10.2014 (5years extended zotac warranty vazhi samo kod uvoznika zotaca ne znam da li postoji uvoznik kod nas) Cene komponenti posebno (komponente bih prodao posebno samo ako prvo prodam plochu) Zotac Ion A-E 150e WD 2.5" 320GB WD32000BEVT 40e KINGSTON HyperX 2GB DDR2, 1066, CL7 KHX8500AD2-2G 30e Sony 2.5" DVD combo Pata + pata-ata adapter + ata-usb adapter - 30e Kucishte ne bih prodavao ali tu mozhe dogovor poshto je vec secheno pozadi po ovoj plochi i naravno da se prelepi sa zheljenim natpisima poshto je sada UndYinGs edition ;P... plochu mozhete nasaditi u kutiju od cipela kako je kod mog kolege stajalo 2godine u dnevnoj kao htpc :) Touchscreen je modifikovan, kucishte je secheno i kitovano da upadne kod mene u cwelibru tako da ne bih prodavao ali ko voli da prepravlja ili mu pasuje mozhe i tu neki dogovor :P Cena za sve zajedno iznad ^ 230e Cena za plochu + ram 170e Adapter za rad u kolima 12 - 19v 15e SSD Corsair F40 40GB REFURBISHED, kupljen pre par meseci ali mi je mali za CarPC potrebshtine tako da je maltene nekorischen health je verovatno na 100% (mozhe posebno nevezano za plochu) cena 50eu ZOTAC ION A-E SPECS Experience fluid and vivid high-definition video playback with the ultra-compact ZOTAC ® ION platform. The mini-ITX form factor ZOTAC ® ION combines a high-performance NVIDIA ® ION graphics processor with a power-efficient Intel ® Atom processor for the ultimate eco-friendly platform that has no troubles handling regular web browsing, e-mail, productivity and HD video playback tasks. NVIDIA ® PureVideo HD technology harnesses the power of the ION's™ 16 high-speed stream processors for high-definition Blu-ray playback capabilities. PureVideo HD technology decodes HD video formats and enhances standard-definition videos with the ION GPU for flawless HD and superior SD video playback. Model Zotac IONITX-A-E Type Mini-ITX Mainboard CPU Intel Atom N330 (Dual Core), FSB 533Mhz / NVIDIA MCP7A-ION Chipsatz Graphics NVIDIA ION Graphics GPU GPU : 450Mhz, Shader : 1100Mhz16 stream processors DirectX 10 / Open GL 2.1 RAM 2x DDR2 667/800 RAM (4GB max) Dual Channel DDR2 Power Power supply onboard Connectors (external) - 6x USB 2.0 - 1x PS/2 (Keyboard) - 1x HDMI - 1x SPDIF out (Coaxial/Optical) - 1x DVI - 1x eSATA - Audio - 1x LAN 10/100/1000 MBit - 1x VGA - 1x WLAN antenna SATA 3x SATA (RAID 0, 1 und 0+1) Connectors (internal) - 1x MiniPCIe (used by included WLAN module) - 4x USB 2.0 - 3x SATA - 1x Serial - 1x DC-Out Scope of supply - Zotac IONITX-A-E - I/O ATX rear plate - 3x SATA cable - 1x SATA Power cable - WLAN module + antenna - AC/DC Adapter 19V (90W) - optional fan - Quickstart-Guide - Drivers CD Dimensions 17cm x 17cm Review http://www.cartft.com/support_db/support_files/Zotac_Ion_ITX_A-E_Review_EN.pdf Kontakt PM O63/80-88-55-NULA
  10. Mozhe lock, otisho je ovaj komplet, pravim drugi oglas za ljutu makinu iz mog auta ;) ko je "trpoy"?!
  11. Prodajem CarPC u kompletu sa Faytech 8" Touchscreen-om. Kucishte sam pravio od pleksiglasa i dimenzije su 1DIN s tim shto ide u dubinu malo vishe nego standardni plejeri za kola... CarPC nikada nije bio ugradjivan jer imam drugi koji koristim, kucishte nije zalepljeno i mozhe josh da se modifikuje ko kako zheli mozhda neka folija kao shto je kod mene :P display je korishcen samo za probu na stolu nije nikada bio u autu, ima samolepljivi nosach koji nije korishcen, u pitanju je industrijska serija Faytech-a izdrzhava vishe vlazhnosti, jako visoke i niske temperature, vecu ulaznu voltazhu i zadnji deo kucishta je od metala, dolazi u kompletnom pakovanju sa VGA kablom, USB kablom za touch, napajanjem za upaljach 12v, AV kablom, daljinskim, touch pen-om i ja mislim COM (serial) kablom jer je industrijski pa touch mozhe na USB ili na serial port, ima HDMI ulaz, 2x AV ulaz, 1x VGA ulaz i usb/serial touch u pitanju je LED BACKLIT display tako da je vidljiv i na suncu napred ima USB port. Fizichka rezolucija 800x600 podrzhava rezolucije do 1080p fullHD... u svom autu imam faytech "obichnu" seriju oko 3god i nisam imao problema ni po vrucini ni kad je minus... CarPC ima 1GB DDR2, 1.6 intel atom, SSD od 12GB, 3G Modem, wifi, SDcard reader, 3xUSB 2.0, 1x LAN port, Line-in/mic, line-out 3.5mm, VGA-out, sim card slot, 2 zvuchnika, 1.3 kameru (mozhe se produzhiti da stoji bilo gde u autu), 2 mikrofona "array". Instaliran je WinXP sa MINlogon-om, EWFvolume (ewfmgr) HORM (hibernate once resume more) znachi sa enablovanim EWF managerom WIN se ponasha kao FIRMWARE sve promene na particiji posle restarta nestaju tako da je sistem stabilan i uvek se vraca u ono stanje u kojem je enablovan EWF, kada se disabluje EWF mogu se odratiti podeshavanja po potrebi ili npr snimiti muzika na C particiju da bi posle restarta ostala na SSDu. Kada je EWF enablovan postoji mogucnost za HORM, uradi se hibernacija i PC se posle SVAKI put vraca u tu hibernaciju bez obzira kako je ugashen, ja mom izvuchem napajanje tj. kada ugasim auto PC izgubi napajanje u toku rada, sledeci put kad dam kontakt, pc se pali tako shto se dizhe iz hibernacije koja je uradjena nekad i pre mesec dana i uvek se vraca u isti "state" svakako to sve nije obavezno ali to je najbrzi nachin da dobijete muziku kada upalite kola :) EWF se enabluje po particijama tako da npr ako postoji externi HDD na njemu ne bi morao da bude EWF enablovan i mozhe da se menja sadrzhaj HDD-a tipa muzika spotovi etc i da posle restarta ostanu memorisani... Instaliran je RAMDISK i windows je optimizovan za rad sa SSDom tako da je dosta brz, pc je nechujan radi u potpunosti bez coolera... Pri startovanju windowsa podizhe se Centrafuse http://centrafuse.com/ po meni najbolj CarPC interface... Imam i mini tastaturu i touchpad s tim shto su na flat i treba da se produzhe za korishcenje u autu (poslednje 2 slike) CarPC specs CPU & Chipset Intel® Atom N270 Memory 1GB (DDR2) Wireless Data Network WLAN: 802.11 n Hybrid Storage XP: 12GB Solid State Drive Camera 1.3M Pixel Audio Dolby Sound Room Certified (XP only) Stereo speaker Digital Array Mic Faytech 8" VGA touchscreen http://faytech.de/product_show.php?id=36 faytech´s 7-10" Touch Monitor Series sets new standards: HDMI port, three video inputs, extended current input (12-36V), extra robust components, exclusive design, mountable, Backlight LED, no pixel faults, high-quality pedestal, extended temperature range and suitable for 24/7-operation are just some of the features that these monitors fulfill. Accordingly, the Touch Monitors can be used in a broad scope of applications: to use with a HTPC, as surveillance monitor, TV monitor, in the industrial area, in kiosk systems, as cash monitor or information terminals, for machine control, home automation, on farm machinery, forklifts, wind turbines and telematics (in particular transport telematics) and in many other areas. The integrated touch panel is robust and accurate. Using the included software for gesture control, you can individually program your PC and completely control it with your hand or the included pen (with cord). The touch function is easily established via the USB port of your PC, for industrial users the touch screens have for touch connection a serial port. The high resolution support (e.g. 1080p, 1920x1200 pixels) of these faytech touchscreens make it suitable for a wide variety of applications. Touchscreen drivers included for all popular Microsoft (CE, WinXP, Vista, Windows 7), Mac and Linux operating systems. Key Points: • VGA and HDMI port • Three video inputs: 1x S-Video, 2x Video, one with auto-switching with signal on • USB port, USB and serial touch connection • extra reinforced and high-quality components for use in harsh environments • Laser-labeled buttons & housing to prevent abrasion • built-in stylus pen with cord fixation on housing • metal rail and VESA-75 mounting on the back of the housing • 12-36V DC / DC input • Innovative cable concept with lockable cable connections • Extended working temperature range, explicit suitable for 24/7-operation • Back Light LED with 250nits brightness and 20,000h operation time, for project customers are series with 450-1500Nits and 30.000h operation time available (100 + Lotorder) • highly flexible and highly stable pedestal specially designed for the touch-screen series • special case design perfect for installation into machines or cabinets etc. because of flat back case of 8" and 10" and mounting frame of 7" • Three case colors: white, black & silver, more colors to order (50+ Lotorder) • high-quality speakers in the front • Monitor picture is both vertically and horizontally mirrored through direct button in the front • IP65 version available (50+ Lotorder) MONITOR SPECS Specification Display case (cm) 19.80x16.80x3.22 Screen diagonal (Inch/cm) 8/20.32 Display (cm) 16.20x12.15 Mounting Pedestal(included), additional VESA-75 on the back case Gross weight (including packaging, kg) 2.30 Net display weight (kg) 0.65 Aspect ratio 4:3 Physical resolution 800X600 Maximum showable resolution 1920x1200 Colours displayed 262,144 Brightness (cd/m2) 250 Contrast 500:1 Typical reaction time Tr; Tf (ms) 10/15 Visual Angle horizontal, vertical (°) 140;120 Working power (V) 12~36 Power consumption (W) 5 Stand-By-Consumption (W) <0.5 Operating temperature (° C) -25~+75 Touch-panel 4-wire resistive Touch-connector 1xUSB port, 1xserial port Touch-panel-driver Windows, Linux, Apple Touch life (contacts) 1million in one location without failure Response time touch-panel (ms) < 10 Surface hardness 3H Input force (g) 20 ~ 150 Connectors, video 2x Video(1x back cam view), 1xS-Video, 1x VGA,1x HDMI Connectors, audio 1x Headset out; 2x Audio-In, Connectors,other 1x USB port Power-supply (included in delivery) 230V, 12V Additional features OSD-menu, Loudspeaker, Remote Controller, Touch-pen Cena u kompletu 350eu Kontakt PM O63/80-88-55-NULA
  12. Na prodaju: Komplet Kicker S10L5 + Hifonics Zeus XX zx6000 200e ili odvojeno 120+80e Kicker zx1000.1 kompletno pakovanje 250e (popust u kompletu sa s12l7) Kicker S12l7 u kompresiji plexi + grill + 3m carbon 310e Kontakt PM 063/80-88-55-NULA -------------------------------------- Hifonics Zeus XX zx6000 80e Stanje odlichno, nikada nije popravljano! 2 X 150 Watts RMS into 4 Ohms 2 X 300 Watts RMS into 2 Ohms 1 X 600 Watts RMS into 4 Ohms New Hifonics Twentieth Anniversary Heat Sink Design Illuminated Hifonics Badge Illuminated Maxxsonics "M" Bass Remote with Blue LED Power On & Diagnostic Indicator Included Ultra-Fi Mosfet Zeus EVXP (Exponential Vari-Power Supply) SPC - Simpatico Coil Design HSMD - Hifonics Surface Mount Design Fully Adjustable Accu-Cross Crossovers PWM Mosfet Power Supply Line Output for Amplifier Daisy Chaining Variable Bass Equalization Sub-Sonic Filter 4 Gauge Power Connectors Additional High Speed Mosfet Output Devices Class AB Operation Maxi-Fuse Power From The Gods Included Kicker 06S10L5/2 120e u odlichnom stanju sa kompresionom KUTIJICOM mala ali snazhna, imam i kartonsku kutiju sa upuctvom ali nisam siguran gde se nalazi :) 2x2ohm 450w RMS ali slabo osetljiv tako da mu treba dosta snage ali dosta i pruzha The Kicker Solo-Baric L5 woofers inherit all the same patented technology as the dominant L7 square woofers at a more affordable price target. The 08/09 series offers a hot new look and improved design, specifically with the new SoloKon technology and heating disbursement. The patented square design allows for 18% more cone, which translates to more sound for you compared to competing round subs. The SoloKon one-piece, injection-molded cone offers full-coverage back bracing that pushes more air and creates louder bass than ever before. The Santoprene rubber surround of the L5 handles the power of the motor and cone, and a rear foam gasket secures the stamped-steel basket to any given baffle. The logo-bearing steel basket with spring-loaded terminals, a stout magnet, and the logo-bearing protective front gasket also allow the L5 to take on power like never before. Key Features: 10" Dual 2 Ohm Solo-Baric L5 Series Subwoofer Power Handling: Peak: 900 watts RMS: 450 watts Impedance: Dual 2 ohm Titanium deposit impregnated cone woofer with rolled outer edge Santoprene rubber surround Stamped steel basket Vented 360° back bracing Rear foam gasket Spring loaded terminals Poly-cotton semi-progressive spider Heat-dispersing, solid pole piece Spiralead™ tinsel leads High-temperature dual 2 ohms voice coils Frequency response: 24-100 Hz Sensitivity: 88 dB Other search terms: S10L5, S10L52, 10L5, 10L52, 08S10L52 -------------------------------------- Kicker zx1000.1 BEZ TRAGOVA KORISHCENJA, jednom montirano u auto ja sam drugi vlasnik ali mi je vishak tako da ga nisam stavljao u vozilo, kompletno pakovanje, uputstvo, level remote sa kablom, kucishte sa 100A osigurachem, remote i kucishte sa osigurachem su novi nekorishceni! ZX Series Class D Monoblock Car Amplifier RMS Power Rating: 4 ohms: 500 watts x 1 chan. 2 ohms: 1000 watts x 1 chan. Max power output: 1000 watts x 1 chan. MOSFET power supply Wired remote bass level control included LED power and protection indicators Tuned Bass EQ (0-18 dB bass boost at 40 Hz) Balanced differential inputs make KICKER ZX Amplifiers compatible with any factory radios Eliminates unwanted noise in a system Boost, gain, and crossover frequencies are top-mounted for easy access, and a handy protection indicator featuring a new flashing yellow low-voltage light enhances the end panel Bridgeable operation Speaker-level inputs compatible (switchable) through RCA connection, Kicker 09ZISL required and sold separately Preamp RCA outputs Automatic turn on modes: remote, DC offset, or signal sense Thermal, voltage, and short circuit protection circuitry Variable low-pass filter (50-200 Hz, 24 dB/octave) Subsonic Filter (24 dB at 25 Hz) CEA-2006 compliant amplifier Frequency response: 25-200 Hz Dimensions: 16-3/4"L x 9-5/8"W x 2-1/8"H -------------------------------------- Kicker S12L7 310e Woofer Kicker S12L7 (08S12L74) 2x4ohm dvc u kompresionoj kutiji sa plexiglasom, akustichnim sundjerom, filcom, grill u 3M carbonu, kartosnka kutija i uputstvo, odlichno stanje. . . 750w RMSa ali je bar 2x snazhniji. POPUST UKOLIKO IDE ZAJEDNO SA POJACHALOM ZX1000.1
  13. Prodajem Apple iPod Classic 160gb 6th generation, u kompletu sa svom opremom i kutijom, slushalice su originalne i nekorishcene, u pakovanju je usb kabal i dock adapter. Jako je malo korishcen baterija drzhi danima nazad ima jedva vidljive tragove na slikama je prashinica, napred milimetarsku ogrebotinu u coshku 120eur PM O63/80-88-55-NULA
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