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Everything posted by CRNAC_U_TUNELU_
Sve sam to uzeo i Dandeliona i tour, izgleda da sam promasio neki shop. Necu biti u stanju da igram tek dogodine taman kad izadje drugi expansion, pocecu sve ispocetka. Jebem im mater osakatili su mi sve rpg-ove, nista ne mogu da igram posle ovog :)
Oy Lazare Lazare, ovo je inace pesma za vencanja :D Jako je malo ima u celoj igri, samo se pojavljuje u pojedinim delovima u Velenu kad je borba, steta. Za w2/w3 nema sta da smore, tolko sam i ocekivo da budu bitne odluke, jebigasad samo su falili Iorveth i Saskia, nadam se da ce ih biti u expanziji... Izmedju ostalog Fields of Ard Skellig je jako jako lepa melodija. Meni se inace ubagovale karte posle patcha, ne dobijam kartu kad pobedim gwent partiju.. :/ Moraju da srede difikuliti, posle onog gwent turnira sve partije su 2izi, a turnir je bas hardcore bio :D
Mislim da nema potrebe ako oces nesto drugacije da se desi u trojci. I ja sam upalio 2 da vidim na sta lici posle ovoga, ma kakvi, ne mogu da gledam :) btw prvih 40 sekundi kad cujem ovo, suzu pustim bas lepa melodija, mada ceo soundtrack izuva:)
Patch 1.06 Fixes the endless loading screen when fighting the Ice Giant during the quest 'Lord of Undvik'. Geralt's clothes will no longer be wet after leaving the menu. The gate in the crypt now works correctly during the quest 'Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear'. Fixes the lack of interaction with Roche on Oxenfurt Bridge in the quest 'Get Junior'. Fixes an issue that prevented players from creating more than one item via Crafting/Alchemy. novi DLC izlazi https://twitter.com/witchergame/status/610492082164097024 wolf gear mmhmhm
Kako je lepo uradjen Kaer Morhen i priroda oko njega, Blue Mountains izgleda neverovatno, secam se da sam pola sata samo blejo tu i buljio u prirodu :D
Ja kako sam instaliro patch, dobio sam Failed Quest, "Novigrad, Closed city", a quest sam zavrsio jos davno, sad kad ga otvorim sve je stiklirano check, al je quest failed.... Jel ima neko isti problem?
Rend svakako, kad ti dodju jaki bosovi imas sanse samo jednom il dvaput da ga udaris i onda moras da povuces. Rend takodje ignorise odbranu. Na najtezem nivom kad te zeguje mnogo drownera ides nazad, quen i jednog po jednog. Ako je prostor ogranicen, whirl je dobar :D Al ako su wraithovi onda jebiga !!! EDIT: Izasto v1.05 Changelog Fixes a possible exploit by preventing certain drowners from respawning infinitely. Improves the distribution of experience points gained by completing quests with recommended levels lower than the player character level. Merchants now offer more weapon types. Rebalances the prices of maps that can be purchased from merchants. Clarifies a number of crafting diagrams. Fixes an exploit whereby players could buy sea shells and sell the pearls inside them at a higher price. Increases the variety of loot dropped throughout the game. Increases the variety of items available in shops. Shops now only offer weapons with levels matching or exceeding the player character level. Slightly reduces the amount of coin dropped from chests and monsters. Deploys the Bovine Defense Force Initiative. Fixes an issue where runestones could not be upgraded to greater runestones. Reduces the spawn time of selected groups of NPCs. Geralt no longer interacts with candles placed near chests and other openable objects. Improves the smoothness of camera movement. Fixes a number of issues related to horseback riding. Fixes an issue where the player could not deflect arrows/bolts at longer distances. Introduces a number of fixes in in-game communities. Introduces a number of fixes related to combat. Vitality begins to drop if Toxicity exceeds 80%, as originally intended. Fixes an issue where Geralt was sometimes unable to mount Roach. Improves Geralt's movement, especially when he swims. Fixes an issue whereby Geralt could be attached to a sinking boat while aiming his crossbow. Fixes a number of issues related to Vitality regeneration. Fixes an issue whereby certain actions could be randomly blocked during gameplay. Fixes a rare issue whereby Geralt could not mount Roach after fast travelling between points. Fixes a number of minor tooltip and wording bugs. Adds a series of color-blind friendly features. Improves visibility of tracks, marks, footprints and scent clues. Color-blind friendly features can be enabled in the OptionsGamplay submenu. Introduces a number of additional fixes to alt + tabbing. Fixes an issue where The Witcher 3 process did not close properly if the user did not have XAUDIO installed. Introduces a number of general stability and performance improvements. Fixes an issue where in certain situations the game could crash while a save was being loaded. Adds some missing translations in localized versions. Ciri can no longer unlock fast travel points. Improves the behavior of sails when viewed from longer distances. Improves performance in selected scenes and cutscenes. Fixes an issue where clouds and fog could flicker on some hardware configurations. Fixes an issue where Geralt could pass through walls in the fish market in Novigrad. Removes repeated sound cues on entry into GUI panels a second time. Adds a collision near Kaer Gelen that could cause the player to be blocked inside the building. Improves the scale of selected elements of the GUI and HUD. Introduces a number of bug fixes and user experience improvements in the GUI panels. Introduces a number of small changes in the UI for gwent. Improves the alignment of the HUD for the 21:9, 4:3 and 5:4 screen ratios. Disables "Input device changed" messages and adds options to disable on-screen combat feedback and floating tags above NPCs. Adds an information prompt and Journal entries related to new DLC packages. Fixes an issue where some formulae were not displayed in the Alchemy panel when the player possessed level 1 of said formulae. Introduces a number of fixes in key bindings. Introduces new filters for the Alchemy and Crafting panels. Fixes a number of minor issues where music tracks were not triggered in their designated locations. Fixes an issue where some players could not interact with an object during the Pyres of Novigrad quest. Fixes an issue where some players could not make Geralt run after the Wandering in the Dark quest. Fixes an issue where players could not talk to Octo after the Lord of Undvik quest. Reduces the number of Wild Hunt minions spawned during the Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest. Fixes an issue where Keira could sometimes fall beneath the terrain during the Wandering in the Dark quest. Fixes an issue where certain actions were blocked during the Blindingly Obvious quest. Fixes an issue where the player could not activate a portal during the Wandering in the Dark quest. Fixes an issue where the player could get trapped in the ruins of Tuirseach Castle. Geralt can now always play gwent with Madame Serenity. Fixes an issue where Vernon Roche would not appear at the Hanged Man's Tree during the Eye for an Eye quest. Fixes an issue where the player could not talk or otherwise interact with certain NPCs. Fixes an issue where the sirens in the Lord of Undvik quest could be invincible. Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions after the Carnal Sins quest. Fixes an issue where some players experienced an infinite loading screen during the King's Gambit quest. Fixes an issue where the player could experience a progression break after choosing a certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in the Count Reuven's Treasure quest. Fixes an issue where Simun did not spawn properly during the Unpaid Debt quest. Fixes an issue in the Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk quest where the katakan was not hostile after being lured. Fixes an issue in the Contract: Shrieker quest where the shrieker was not hostile in certain situations. Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions in the Master of the Arena quest. Fixes an issue where wolves were not visible in the Contract: Mysterious Tracks quest. Fixes an issue where the player could not fast travel under certain rare circumstances. Fixes an issue where the player could not interact with Hattori during the Swords and Dumplings quest. The player can no longer take on the Apiarian Phantom contract multiple times. Fixes an issue where some players could not progress during the Broken Flowers quest. Fixes an issue whereby the "Novigrad, Closed City" entry might have remained in the Journal indefinitely. Fixes an issue in the Return to Crookback Bog quest where monsters were spawned inside a building. Players can no longer prematurely obtain a key from a halfling, thus blocking the Contract: The Apiarian Phantom quest. Fixes an issue in the Greedy God quest where the player could kill a monster twice. Adds fail-safes for players being unable to obtain gwent cards after Dijkstra or Lambert can no longer be found in the game. Fixes an issue whereby Triss could get stuck on a set of stairs after a scene during the Now or Never quest. Fixes an issue where Ermion could not leave Lugos' area during the Sunstone quest.
Ha, ekstra! Evo i ja sam poceo ponovo al opet ne skidam prvi armor :D Na toj tezini kad te protivnik udari mnogo boli pa treba lepo koristiti dodge i ne ici berzek na protivnika... Evo par saveta za build na Death Marchu ako ti je potesko. Moje misljenje! Fast attack i Stronk attack treba dici momentalno na trecu lestvicu, dakle to je 30pts i to ce ti otkljucati Cetvrtu lestvicu, na cetvrtoj Crippling strikes i Sudden armor na istim bi izbego jer je bacanje poena. Ali zato na battle Trancu uzmes Flood Anger koji ti otkljucava sve spelove na maximum sa svim bonusima i povecava sign intensity ako imas adrenalin poene!!!Jako dobra stvar, ali onda ti treba oprema koja daje adrenalin poene pronto! Ursine set daje najvise na adrenalin poene. Mada i ne mora bas taj da juris. Zbog ovog gore bi Sings paletu izbego, jedino Delusion na lvl2 ako ti treba za dialoge. Alkemija je uvek bila jebeno prejaka, al samo Brewing i Mutations, dakle bez ulja i bombi. Najlaksi nacin da dignes dmg je preko mutogena, dakle Synergy i Adaptation. Nadjes +10% red mutogene i zunes ih sve u slotove, dignes Synergy i Adaptaion i sa dobrim macem lagano preko 2k dmg imas! U generalu samo jedan poen na cat, griffin ili bear u zavisnosti kakav armor nosis. I naravno ne gledaj kolko sta ima kila u armoru to je nebitno, nego samo sta daje na stats :D isto za maceve! Kontam da dosta ljudi ne zna za ovo al kad unapredite Whirl, treci spel u fast ataku, izvadis mac kliknes levi klik i drzis ga dokle imas stamine i uzivaj u predstavi :D
Pa imas jos dooosta :D, igraj gwent odlicna je igra! Pogotovo kad sakupis jake karte, imaces i po koji extra kvest i jos svasta :D
Dokle ste stigli ljudi? Jel zavrsio jos neko? :D
Pa igram na Death Marchu, rekao sam vec, ako znas kako da se bijes i lepo stavis poene ma nebitan je armor. Nigde bas nisam zabo, samo me je Imlerith malo namucio, i naravno wraithovi kad ih je 3+ :D
Ja sam ceo gejm nosio onaj prvi Kaer Morhen armor sto dobijas kad pocnes :D samo sam maceve menjao. Nema sta, mislim da armor ne olaksava tolko gejm, vise je nacin na koj se boris, sto je meni do jaja. Samo su mi oni wraithovi skakali po jajima, pogotovo kad ih ima vise.
Koliko imas rama? Ja sam kupio dodatnih 4gb, sad imam 8gb i osetila se razlika u preformansi mada nisam imo ni sa 4gb taj leak [.spoiler]text[./spoiler] Bez tacki naravno
I ja cu ponovo da igram sigurno kad izadje DLC,
I ja sam zavrsio! Bez teksta sam :) Sacekacu par dana da se sve slegne pa da napisem neki revju! Zasto tuzno? Jer nema vise da se igra?
Au ja sam iznolajfovo tesko, imam 90h a na gogu pise da sam preso 42%, igram na death marchu. Mislim da sam dosao do zadnjeg main kvesta, mada nisam siguran. Jos par sideq da odradim i par ugovora i skoro sam pri kraju. Kontam da cu da zavrsim main jer necu imati vremena da igram skoro :( Necu nista da pisem, samo cu reci da cete tek biti odusevljeni :D Ja ne verujem da je ovakva igra napravljena.... Svaka cast poljacima, domaci zadatak su dali svima!
koja masina i kakav settings??? Skidam sa goga! javljam uskoro