Ja sam poceo da igram UT tek od 2004 verzije....
Titan pack je pusten na steam-u , takodje ko zeli moze "rucno" da uradi update , vise informacija ovde : http://www.beyondunreal.com/
Takodje, ove nedelje UT3 je besplatan na steam-u, znaci moci ce da se igra odredjeno vreme za dz.
Ko zeli da kupi igru , sad je pravo vreme , igra kosta 11 eura :)
Pozdrav :)
Titan pack:
* 16 new maps + 3 bonus pack 1 maps
* Titan mutator
* Greed and Betrayal gametypes
* Stinger Turret, Eradicator Cannon Artillery and the Stealthbender vehicle
* X-Ray Field and Link Station Deployables
* Slow-Field power-up (pickup version of the deployable of the same name)
* Two new characters: Nova (Liandri) and Kana (Ronin)
* 57 Steam Achievements
* Major enhancements, incuding AI, network performance, menu and UI, better mod support
* Client-side demo recording, updated server browser, new maplist system, mid-game mutator and gametype voting functionality