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The X
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Everything posted by Sting

  1. Finish the Proverb A first grade teacher had twenty-five students in elementary school class and she presented each child in her class the first half of a well known proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. It's hard to believe these were actually done by first graders. Their insight may surprise you. While reading these keep in mind that these are first graders, 6-year-olds, because the last one is classic! 1. Don't change horses..........................until they stop running. 2. Strike while the......bug is close. 3. It's always darkest before........Daylight Saving Time. 4. Never underestimate the power of ...... termites. 5. You can lead a horse to water but ........ how? 6. Don't bite the hand that ............ looks dirty. 7. No news is.....................impossible. 8. A miss is as good as a ..................... Mr. 9. You can't teach an old dog new........... math. 10. If you lie down with dogs, you'll ....... stink in the morning. 11. Love all, trust ................ me. 12. The pen is mightier than the ............ pigs. 13. An idle mind is.............the best way to relax. 14. Where there's smoke there's .......... pollution. 15. Happy the bride who.........gets all the presents. 16. A penny saved is ..................... not much. 17. Two's company, three's ........ the Musketeers. 18. Don't put off till tomorrow what .......... you put on to go to bed. 19. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and ........you have to blow your nose. 20. There are none so blind as...... Stevie Wonder. 21. Children should be seen and not .......... spanked or grounded. 22. If at first you don't succeed ...... get new batteries. 23. You get out of something only what you ........ see in the picture on the box. 24. When the blind lead the blind .................. get out of the way. And the WINNER and last one! 25. Better late than.................pregnant
  2. u jea, ja sam video SC mod za generale cirka pre godinu-dve...
  3. Sarma je smotan(a). Necete uspeti ! utata [jumpy]
  4. word. dobicesh samo ono shto si posejao. Tako je uvek bilo i bice...
  5. [offtopic] Sorry, samo isprobavam novu signaturu [/offtopic] p.s. Jenna je dobra, ali nikada nisam hteo da je jebem....
  6. Ja sam video da tamo poshe da nije. Ocigledno je nameshteno jer niko to ne bi mogao da uradi u toku prave partije ali su rekli da kao nije radjeno na slowest. Cak su i objasnili kako se radi :P.
  7. Pa pazi, imam ortaka koji je jedno 5 puta preshao igru i kaze da patch ubija skoro sve bugove. Tezak je valjda 130 mega i crack je tezak josh 20. Ma doci ce on na forum sutra/preksutra pa ce ti sve lepo objasni. Bash cu mu kazem kada ga cujem sledeci put :D
  8. Samo skini patch od 170 mega i svi tvoji problemi ce biti resheni !
  9. da nas je pre dve-tri godine mozda bilo troje koji su se "zalagali" za turnire ne bi se sve raspalo i bilo kao danas. go go go atila
  10. Bash zgodno...tri dela od kojih je po jedan uzela neka velika svetska sila. Ko josh veruje u to? :P Zashto se jednog dela npr nisu domogli Bugari? :P Ako postoji, verovatno jedna "strana" drzi sve i to verovatno ameri...
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