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[Pitanje] Ucenje stranih jezika
iguana replied to KadeshiAmbassador's topic in Rastibudjilizovane klejbezable
ne mozesh ceo zivot ziveti na omletu, bagetu i crnom vinom. Hocu i da rucham -
[Pitanje] Ucenje stranih jezika
iguana replied to KadeshiAmbassador's topic in Rastibudjilizovane klejbezable
ja bih od jeseni krenuo da uchim francuski jer za sada znam samo da izrazim ljubav, predlozim seks i trazim da me nahrane -
ne znam dunja sta da ti kazem. Nisam paranoichan, ali da sam na tvom mestu bih gledao da odem u neku stabilnu familiju ili kod neke same zene. Ne znam kakve su nemacke lezbejke ali sigurno bi gore proshla sa nekim neuravnotezenim bavarcem kome lepa, mala, ekonomichna beogradjanka spava na kauchu dok joj decko radi bez prestanka u porodichnoj firmi 2000 km dalje. Da te ne podsecam sada sta je nemacki kulinarski, nacionalni specijalitet
prodji sutra tamo ako imash vishka vremena, mozda ce opet biti tamo. mada sumnjam jer je tu jedna "elitna" praonica kola u koje cesto nasvracaju Kvatroporte, Infiniti i leksusi Novi CLK enterijer onog famoznog W12 golfa: i eksterijer
sta je danas bilo parkirano ispred metropola . NIsam imao fotoaparat pri sebi pa evo neke random slike sa neta Gumpert Apollo
Ja radim rano u cetvrtak, mozda svratim na sat vremena da se pozdravim .
josh jedan i to drugachiji preview sledeceg Audija A4 klik klik Klik klik klik klik
zasto imati mercedesov V8 kada mozesh imati BMW-ov V10 :)
100 evra prostor za jednu noc (bez pica)?!? Dobrodosao u Nove Banovce... mislim da niko ne izdaje ni prazan prostor(bez stolica, stolova) za zurke za 50 -100 ljudi za toliko male pare. Mozda za 150, 200 ali za 100 imash samo garsonjeru u nekom sremskom prigradskom naselju.
kakav sharen dan radio do pet ujutro, digao se u pola devet i otisao do studenjaka poslovno, u 12 na glavnoj autobuskoj docekao ortaka garija iz Novoga Sada pa sa njim otisao do slovenacke ambasade, pa onda jeo u tribeci u knezu, pa dobio honorar, pa se po najvecoj mogucoj sparini dovukao autobusom kuci i nakon hladnog tusha strovalio na 2 sata spavanja... veceras me opet ceka nocna seansa rada ali sam zato skinuo Lovca na Jelene i trecu sezonu Voyagera da mi pravi drustvo
daki, kloni se nauchno tehnickih tema jer si budala - sta fali dekadnom sistemu mera?!? Ako si sociopatski prisiljen da trolujesh barem se kloni tema u kojima ja nesto pitam druge pametne ljude. chudi me sto ameri nisu izmislili i jedinicu manju od incha nego koriste milimetre sto dovodi do josh vece zabune. A da ne govorimo sto u vecini kalendara ili aplikacija sedmicu rachunaju kao da pochinje nedeljom
my name is luka ? My name is Luka I live on the second floor I live upstairs from you Yes I think you've seen me before If you hear something late at night Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight Just don't ask me what it was Just don't ask me what it was Just don't ask me what it was
In Hollywood, no one can get beaten like Hillary Swank and walk away with 2 oscars
ne treba mi vishe nista. sad sam zavrshio skidanje dvega, procitao dva dela i podsetio se zasto ne volim stilizaciju crteza u maniru marvela ili bilo koje druge americke super heroj skole. Ipak ja vishe preferiram evropski strip. Ziveo Moebijus ! :)
LOL a tek sto serviraju dobar vocni jogurt.
onaj plastik treba zakonom zabraniti...ili barem treci dan zatvaranja.
ne radi link za nulti deo stripa
to je to, super je. vishe preferiram ovakva offline resenja
fala, skinuto. sad cu da instaliram
potreban mi je neki dobar konverter mernih jedinica, da barem ima americhke merne jedinice (galon, stopa, inch). Radim neki 3d model prema nacrtima u stopama i inchima i mrzi da mnozim svaki put inch sa 2.54 itd
dekster ce se nastaviti u oktobru, ali najverovatnije nece biti i trece sezone, jer je Dekster ekranizacija knjige. A mozda je tako i bolje, jer se radi o najboljoj tv seriji u poslednjih 5 godina koju zaista ne bih da gledam kako se srozavva.. on topik: odvratno vreme, pa sam reshio da ostanem kuci i ne odem do faksa pogotovo sto sam cuo o ocekivanim kilometarskim zastojima na autoputu. Ali su mi zato bile neke koleginice pa smo ipak odradili sve sto je trebalo. A losha vest za danas, je da mi crkava kuche u selu posle 11 godina. e moj frenki
pored faksa i posla, za slobodno vreme ili spavam (maks 7 sati dnevno i to reeetko) ili crtam. I za teretanu stvarno ne bih imao vremena iako imam dve u krugu od pola sata
da, optimus ima i usta cak
OVo je projekat grupe VW inzenjera. Volkswagen Golf GTI W12 650 Showtime at the Wörthersee Leave conventions behind and let ypur passion awake - since the beginning these were the roots of the GTI idea. Until today they got more than 1.67 million drivers into their spell. Long has the Golf GTI been an icon. A mark for itself. Since 1982 Golf GTI celebrate it annually in the Austrian Land at the Wörthersee. Thousands come.Volkswagen placed a Golf before them: the Golf GTI W12-650 showcar. This sports car is a inclination before the GTI friends at the Wörthersee, people for whom the GTI is a myth. Stronger, broader, faster A Golf was never stronger, broader or faster. It seems that the Golf GTI W12-650 comes directly from the racing course. A Golf that runs like the Pace Car of the 24 hours of Le Mans. Its name means: W12-Zylinder, 650 HP (477 KW with 6.000 rpm). A Showcar, not more, not less. Nevertheless it shows what enormous potential the Golf has to offer. 3.7 seconds, 325 km/h, 750 Newtonmeters Its 6,0 Liter Biturbo engine is longitudinal and placed directly behind the driver and the front seat passenger. The Golf GTI W12-650 differentiate itself in this way from the classical central engine car. A 6-speed automatic transmission transfers 750 Newtonmeters (at 4.500 rpm) to the rear axle. It catapults the Golf GTI W12-650 to 100 km/h in 3.7 seconds. With a maximum speed of 325 km/h the Golf GTI W12-650 leaves behind nearly all of the world's supercars. Width 1.88 m, 235er tire in front, 295er tire in the back Automotive engineers and designers united under Volkswagen Golf GTI W12 650 its 1.88 meters (series: 1.76 meters) spread and 1.42 meters (series: 1.50 meters) flatten body. The chassis components of the Golf GTI W12-650 were adapted directly from supersports cars. The wheels are of course made from a light alloy and because of the gigantic wheel dimensions a specialy engineered tire had to be made. 70 millimeters lower, 160 millimeters broader The goal was clearly defined - despite the partially dramatic technical changes the study should remain completely clear that this is a Golf GTI. Therefore as much parts as possible were taken from tha classical GTI like: the headlights, the doors, the front hood and the tail lamps. The axles were pushed 70 millimeters into the body. The largest problem was to supply the 6-litre central engine with sufficient air and to produce sufficient drift at the rear axle without watering the silhouette of the Golf GTI W12-650. Therefore the C-columns were re-designed in such a way that they lead air to the engine. The rear side windows run inward, so that two channels develop between the disks and the C-columns on the left and on the right to drive air to the engine. The Carbon fiber roof is a diffuser Innovative building of the body also prevented that the lines of the Golf GTI W12-650 to get ruined by a putting on a roof wing. The study carries the wing inward. The roof is part of an enormous diffuser, which provides sufficient drift to the rear axle. It's made from carbon fiber and leads air under the normal tail spoiler. Interior with racing ambitions The leather is Alcantara. On the middle range of the armatures are Three rows of auxiliary instruments. Transparent "Flip UP" switch guards for central functions like the disconnectible ESP look like taken derectly from the race track. Fire extinguishers are integrated in the place of the glove compartment to also remind us of the race. Because of weight reasons "stripped" the door linings are complete; only lattices are used, which grant a complete view of the interior mechanics of the door.