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The X
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Posts posted by makiii

  1. Kada imam upaljen msn windows je poceo da mi izbacuje ovaj pop up, svaki put je neki drugi ip i drugo ime (ovo snom, juce je bio neki cargocult.ca, nemam pojma al vezano sa onim cargo cult hakovanjem) ........... skenirao sam sve sa malware i avast pro i nije nikakvu viruscinu nasao......


    Al neko od vas gurua zna sta bi moglo da bude, na google nisam nasao nista vezano za msn messenger i ovo, da pao je i re-install (msn-a) sa ciscenjem registry-ja i opet isto njesra, nekada ne izbacuje u opste obicno preko dana slabije iskace, uvece moze da bude svakih 10tak minuta.... ofc uvek mu dam cancel.

  2. skontao sam da perk ghost ubiva, jer spy planes lete kao blesavi, i od velike je koristi da te isti ne snime :)

    nema stopping power, nema juggernout (il kako se vec pise) ...

    recimo gas maska je poprilicno zahvalna jer sve prsti od specijalnih bombi koje te zaslepljuju... ja sam igrao i drao sa prvim profilom jer sam imao mp5 hardened lightweight i gas masku... mp5 puca mega brzo a precizan i bez nisanjenja, trcim ko blesav brzo, i spec bombe mi ne mogu nista :)

    snajperi su nerfovani zaista poprilicno, onaj sto me je snajpovoa na jednoj mapi ko blesav sam skontao da nije ni nosio snajp lol, al je popio nozekanju dva tri puta :P

    bio je i jedan bag de si dobiao i 10 nivoa prestidza, ali su apdejtovali servere... kad ce taj lagic seckanje resiti ne znam, ali kazu da rade ubrzano na tome

    servera imao zilion i ima zaista dosta solidnih mesta gde se igra sasvim fino

    Hau abaut pre nego sto izbace jebenu igru somovi pohlepni .....

  3. Da me zanima to gledao bi neku spansku seriju sa takvim zapletima, ljudi biju zene i varaju bez jebene zombi apokalipse da ih natera na to, mogu sledecu da naprave kako igraju poker/monopol jedno 20 minuta + kuvaju zajedno kao par onako romanticno, on joj pomaze i secka povrce jos da dodamo i neke svece, flasu vina, bombonjeru............, i onda jos ima mesta za 10 minuta neke vrele seks scene da se "nadrazujemo" sve po PS-u

  4. Meni se svidja kako su crnju odradili

    U stripu se on neshto malo pojavljuje i nije toliko jak lik, nije imao onaj trip sa zenom koji je brutalan bio

    , zato mi skenj kako je druga mlaka i kratka bila, al fak it tek je druga ep ne zelim odma da krenem sa A je*o mamu sj*bali seriju :)

    I oke mi shto su ubacili nove likove, rasistu i shta ja znam, ne mora biti isto kao u stripu, f*k it strip sam chitao i znam shta ce se desiti, dok god ostane u duhu komika ja sam gud ^^

    mislim da ce da ostave ovog crnju zbog politicke korektnosti, i kao zajeb je lik, dok ce da skenjaju onog sa slabim zivcima; kapiram da moraju da imaju bar jednog crnju kao protagonistu

  5. Kome stuca igra neka stavi u task manageru priority BlackOps procesa na low, ili u tagetu shortkata ukuca C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "Black ops" /low

    da bi bilo jasnije ovako meni izgleda target C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "Black ops" /low "C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty - Black Ops\BlackOps.exe"

    serem im se u igru koja kosta $65 a moram da kucam ovo da bi radila kako tako normalno sa extra texturama, a pre toga na low je seckala uzasno i sa tim updateom.

    -kampanja klasicno americko proseravanje (mada mi je zaigralo srce kada je hteo da pljesne kennedy-ja)

    -grafika meni sve izgleda isto kao u COD 5, samo radi osetno losije, jeej ima lean

    -nema teorije da im dam pare za ovo

    -moze biti zabavno u multiju kada ga iskrekuju

  6. lol koje đubre, mislim na i na stock verziju naravno :D


    izvinjavam se bogovi dizajna, bulja je mislim dovoljno je dobar za predsednika Koreje ali ne za rur. :)

    edit: da se ne prepucavamo dalje u merenju e penisa, ja i dobar deo relevantnih stranih kriticara i auto magazina koje sam video misle da je dobar i elegantan dizajn svih equusa... vi mislite drugo i to je kul.

  7. Uf, dobro je, kad sam video prvu sliku pomislio sam da je Maybach :) Hyndai nije strašno upropastiti.

    Lol equus kosta nekih $50K+ , greota je unistiti ga ovako kada je sasvim fin u originalu


  8. Selimo se u Koreju da gledamo SC i cirkamo vopi, kad sam bio kod ortaka zavalili smo brda piva i grickalice i gledali on demand starcraft na 52" tv-u lol.... ladno imaju da mozes da biras koji ces mec da gledas,pretraga itd.....FFS ne ovako kao bijednici neke bulja strimove :)

  9. Meni ovo nije jasno ... kako tacno poboljsava "vidljivost na napred"? Samo upadaju pilotu u vidokrug ...

    Perceived benefits of a forward-swept wing design include

    * Mounting the wings further back on the fuselage, allowing for an unobstructed cabin or bomb bay, as the root of the wingbox will be located further aft, and

    * Increased maneuverability, due to airflow from wing tip to wing root preventing a stall of the wing tips and ailerons at high angle of attack. Instead, stall will rather occur in the region of the wing root on a forward-swept wing.

    Possible drawbacks of a forward-swept wing include

    * When using a conventional metal construction: A reduced divergence speed or, in order to avoid this, an increased wing weight, as wing stiffness needs to be increased.

  10. [8D]

    evo onog intervjua sa njim posle ovog zadnjeg meca, preuzeto sa timsketecnosti

    Super Rookie FoxeR, 'I still have holes in my play'

    FoxeRPrime, considered the 'super rookie' of this season's GSL advanced to the semi finals with a distinctive playstyle, beating KyrixZenith 3:2.

    Q. How does it feel to advance to the semi finals?

    A. The games were so tough, I just feel happy that I won.

    Q. It looked very hard to tell who the winner was until the very end.

    A. In the last set, I didn't defend well against his first rush. I thought I lost and decided to give it my best. My focus brought me back into the game and the gold expansion with tank defense gave me hope.

    Q. In the first set, your marine micro was spectacular.

    A. I realized after the game that I didn't upgrade combat shields. No wonder my marines died so freaking fast. I was too busy during the game.

    Q. Is there a secret to your marine micro?

    A. It's crucial to know where his zerglings and banelings are. I like to lure with marines in front and make a concave while spreading out with the marines in the back.

    Q. KyrixZenith's aggression was overwhelming in sets 2 and 3.

    A. When I practiced, there were no zergs as aggressive as him. I felt like I lost even though I knew it was coming.

    Q. What did you think when you were behind 1:2?

    A. I never had the experience of playing a Bo5, so I thought I was sure to lose, but the Prime coach calmed me down during the break and helped me immensely.

    Q. In the 4th set, you finished the game with pure banshees.

    A. He found about my 2 starport banshee build, so I thought I would lose if mutalisks were out. I had to attack, and when I killed all his queens with micro, I knew I won.

    Q. You also made banshees in the 5th set.

    A. I didn't really prepare for the last game. It wasn't a well prepared build so I was behind.

    Q. KyrixZenith never used infestor against you.

    A. If the zerg went infestors, they tended to be overwhelmed by my aggression during practice. He definitely made the right choice of not making infestors I think.

    Q. The ID of FoxeR does not seem to fit you.

    A. I heard that foreigner fans like Fake Boxer. I'm not completely sure of what to do, if there is a good name, please let me know.

    Q. In the semi finals, you will face off with HopeTorture or NEXGenius.

    A. I want to face HopeTorture. He beat my teammate CheckPrime both last season and this season, so I want to get revenge.

    Q. Do you think you will do well?

    A. I thought I grew as a player after today's games. I'll show a more perfected game in the semi finals.

    Q. It looks like you will have a lot of fans.

    A. I still have holes in my play. It would be nice if they cheered me on for my playstyle, and kept doing so.

    Long interview... decided to share with you guys

    Not sure if I have the 'right' to post these on here, but let me know and I'll delete it or something, otherwise, enjoy!

    PS. also thought it was interesting how he mentions infestors would lose to him. There were a lot of us posting in LR that infestors would've done the trick, but guess not? haha

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