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About Noob

  1. moracu jer nemam bolju opciju na server dentarg gde ja igram milion shamana i roguova i tesko da moze da se uleti u neki bolji gild inace mrzi me da pocnem da pikam na neki drugi server jer ovde ono imam dosta drugara
  2. sta znam kontao sam jer imam i pantalone da zavrsim onaj shaman upgrade quest inace ovako onaj feet je shit
  3. zanima jeli moguce daje blizard promeni drop da neki boss vise ne baca itema koji je ranije bacao jurim jos da dobijem feet za shamanski komplet bacao je Urok Doomhowl 4-5 sam ga rokao nijednom nije bacio jedan lik mi je rekao da on vise ne dropuje ali na thotbot pise da baca sada neznam gde bih mogao da vidim te izmene ako ih uopste i bilo
  4. paladin ti je ustvari jedini cheet koji blizard dozvoljava ali je pala smor za igranje :)
  5. jebote ono sta sam sve doziveo zbog blizarda i oni mi tako vracaju :)) ostavila me devojka pao sam godinu na faksu i sada moram da kriziram zbog njihovih gluposti :)) nadam se da ce da budu brzi :))
  6. jel imao neko iskustva koliko cu morati da cekam dok oni prcitaju moj reply mail jer sam vec sada poceo da kriziram :)
  7. Greetings, Further to our previous emails, we have not yet received a reply from you and we regret that we have had to decline the reservation on your card as a result. In order to prevent a full credit card lock being made on the account, we would urge you to answer the questions listed below: *Please confirm how many accounts you are paying for, and if more than one, please supply the name of all the accounts and the reason that you are paying for them. *Was payment attempted with only one credit card? If more than one credit card was used, please confirm how many credit cards were used, and explain why multiple cards were used. *Please confirm whether the bank that issued your card is based in a different country from the contact address listed on your World of Warcraft account, and if it is, please explain the reason for this. *Did you change the expiry date of the credit card used on any of the attempts to enter your credit card information, and if so, please explain why and confirm the actual expiry date that appears on your credit card. We would really like to have this situation resolved, so that you can once again enjoy World of Warcraft without any problems, however, should we not receive a reply to this email we will not be able to accept any further credit card payments on this account. However, until we receive a reply to this email we cannot accept any further credit card payment on this account. Regards, Blizzard Entertainment Europe Magnull Payment Support http://www.wow-europe.com
  8. moracu nesto da probam taj zafon da stojimo cose ono na izgled je izgledalo nemoguce :)
  9. ajde da cujem neki savet kako da zavrsim quest za shamana za epic helm dva puta sam pokusao i nijednom nisam uspeo jel uopste moguce da se zavrsi onaj quest sa 5 ljudi problem nastaje kada dodje treci nalet 9 elita LvL 60 ili sam imao los party ili treba neka posebna taktika
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