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Posts posted by MiSHiCa

  1. Meni jos uvek nisu poslali kljuceve, iako sam ih narucila i platila jos sinoc. Jutros kad sam iz nazvala da im kazem da mi ne salju kutije postom nego samo da mi posalju kodove na email rekli su mi da ih nazovem oko 3 i da ce kolega sve to da sredi. U 3 su rekli da im jos uvek igra nije stigla iz magacina i da ce do 5 definitivno da posalju. Sad kad sam ih nazvala, rekli su da ce im stici novi primerci, najverovatnije sutra, al' kao da ja ne brinem da ce mi oni javiti kad stignu. 


    Odakle uopste narucuju verziju igre koja vise ne postoji? :)  Imam osecaj da ce mi na kraju traziti 3000din za 'novu' verziju igre. 

  2. verovatno im ostalo u magacinu, pa da se rese :)


    odlican review igre:



    Here's the reason Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (FFXIV) is good: it's bad. That is, it's bad at following the conventional wisdom that says MMORPGs are bad when they're too much like work, when they're harder to play alone, and most of all, when they're not accessible enough. The creators of FFXIV know that these are actually the trends making the genre bad, and by ignoring them, the game manages to be good.


  3. http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/blakes-7/25155/blakes-7-reboot-goes-to-full-series-order



    Blake's 7 reboot goes to full series order


    "The year is 2136, Blake wakes up on one side of the bed. He reaches for the other side. There’s nobody there. As reality sets in, this handsome ex-soldier sits up, and looks at a photo of his wife Rachel. Beautiful. Deceased.

    A revolutionary reinvention of the long-running BBC series made in the late 1970s, Blake’s 7 tells the story of seven criminals - 6 guilty and 1 innocent - on their way to life on a prison colony in space, who together wrestle freedom from imprisonment. They acquire an alien ship which gives them a second chance at life and become the most unlikely heroes of their time."



    Nisam gledala original, al' ovo moze da bude zanimljivo. 



  4. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/PlanetStarkiller21/news/?a=66415


    Game of Thrones Robert's Rebellion 


    Lik je dao par ideja za Game of Thrones prequel o Robertovoj buni, sa full castingom.  Ima dobro podeljenih uloga, ali i promasaja.


    Cak mislim da je sasvim realno, imajuci u vidu uspeh Igre prestola, da se nakon zavrsetka serijala producenti odluce i za snimanje prequela. Mada su se takvi pokusaji obicno zavrsavali failom. Padaju mi na pamet BSG: Blood & Chrome i Caprica, Star Wars Ep I II III itd :P

  5. sta je tacno napisala ako se zna? mrzi me da citam ceo clanak ili da googlam

    Commenting on the widely reported appearance of Nile-virus-carrying mosquitoes in Athens, Papachristou wrote: "With so many Africans in Greece, the West Nile mosquitoes will be getting home food!!!". Her tweet prompted thousands of negative comments that snowballed Wednesday.

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