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Spaceforce Captains


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Pre neki dan je izasla Spaceforce Captains igra, kazu mesavina Turn-based i RPG igre, a najvise podseca na Heroje u svemiru, tj. postoje dani, nedelje, meseci kao u herojima, postoji hotseat da vise igraca igra na jednom racunaru itd.. Igru je izbacio JoWood.. Skinucu je da je makar probam, mozda i lici na nesto :)

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Edited by Rejz
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Komentar sa rlsloga:

"Like a couple of people have said it’s very much like HoMM(5). In fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s a clone. It features all the things you have in HoMM: different “captains” that you can employ, of different classes (spies, soldiers, etc), and when they gain levels you choose skills (exactly like HoMM). You start out with a starbase, which you can upgrade with modules (exactly like HoMM) such as fighter bays and such. Each unit can be upgraded once as well, to an elite version. And exactly like in HoMM you get new units in the base the first day of every new week. You collect materials (a lot of different) on the map, either in piles or by “capturing” mines that produce a certain number per day (juuust like HoMM.)

Bottomline is, it’s pretty much HoMM but in space, with ships instead of creatures, with “technologies” instead of magic, and starbases instead of castles/cities.

I didn’t find the game too great, to be honest. The FPS was kind of jerky, even though the graphics aren’t too good (except inside starbase), and the loading times were horrible (2gb ram, kinda standard I guess). Gameplay was ok, but rather repetetive. I mean, you play it for a few hours and do the same thing over and over without much variation.

Still, for HoMM-fans it’s a pretty cool idea. Sure, give it a shot, but don’t expect a 10/10 kind of game"

Daam niga, a i kao slag na tortu, pazi ti onaj simsoliki interfejs sa skrinshotova, massive fail.

800 mega je igra, no ne skida mi se.


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HoMM klon, gradovi su svemirske stanice koje na isti nacin unapredjujes. Magije su Tech discipline na isti nacin podeljene. Jedinice su brodici sa osobinama HoMM, recimo Scout je Archer. Kretanje po mapi je isto, skupljas resurse na isti nacin, ulazis u borbu na isti nacin. Luck se zove Chance. Moral je Spirit. Ima cak i da opremis brod kao i HoMM heroja sa stvarima koje ti ili daju + na statistiku ili neki skill. Heroj moze da ti bude svasta, pirat, naucnik, vodja itd..

Mini mapa ne radi. Igra ima obicaj da zakuca na nekim delovima onda ide hard restart *mada ruku na srce igrao sam sa ArtMoney pa mozda i zbog toga*. Igrao sam nocas u 3 pa mi je utisak "Bleh, vratite mi mojih 800MB download-a".

Nagradno pitanje. Stanice, brodovi i ostalo je uzeto iz koje igre ? Simulacija u svemiru, skoro izasla.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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