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Starcraft pricajte - slobodna diskusija

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sad vajnuju protosi sto su im izbacili kruzere (koje niko ne koristi) i mothership (preskup) u hots i ubacili im replikante i orakle (air aoe) koji su i korisni a kenjaju da su sada terani op zato sto ce tor postati kao mothership sto su ubacili warhounde da popune ulogu torova i zbog jedne def only jedinice i abilitija helionima za battle mode... a zergovi samo cute i mute i njih su/ce doterati u ekspanziji :) ja nisam neki igrach tek pocinjem (sa teranima) ali ako su oni op onda sam ja veci bot nego sto sam mislio... i to sto korejski terani igraju super-agresivno i zavrsavaju mech sa tier 1 jedinicama ne znaci da je teran op...

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Realno je trebao da leti napolje, zerg nema nishta shto mozhe da ubije mass voidray carrier. Ima preveliki dps da bi se ishlo na mass queen transfuse, hidre smrde, corrupteri se raspadnu od voida chak iako uspesh da pobacash corruption na bash sve jedinice. Infestori vishe ne rade sa neuralom, a ako imash odlichan micro i bacish 10 fungle-ova i dealujesh max dmg, opet carrieri prezhive.

Naravno mothership u kombinaciji chini situaciju tako smeshnom... i ako uspesh da ga ubijesh pre nego shto baci vartex, umrece ti 100 limita u medjuvremenu.

Sva sreca pa se protossi retko sete da rade tako ozbiljan tech switch.

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I ja sam se uvek pitao zasto protosi ne idu carriere u pvz-u, kao sto je thor banshee na 3 baze skoro nepobediv kombo ili banshee+viking tako i ovo. Mozda bi manja cena bila dobra i da se ostave u igri jer 300/300 je previse sa obzirom da protos ne moze da ima 3 baze tako brzo i menja tech kako mu dune.


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Realno je trebao da leti napolje, zerg nema nishta shto mozhe da ubije mass voidray carrier. Ima preveliki dps da bi se ishlo na mass queen transfuse, hidre smrde, corrupteri se raspadnu od voida chak iako uspesh da pobacash corruption na bash sve jedinice. Infestori vishe ne rade sa neuralom, a ako imash odlichan micro i bacish 10 fungle-ova i dealujesh max dmg, opet carrieri prezhive.

Naravno mothership u kombinaciji chini situaciju tako smeshnom... i ako uspesh da ga ubijesh pre nego shto baci vartex, umrece ti 100 limita u medjuvremenu.

Sva sreca pa se protossi retko sete da rade tako ozbiljan tech switch.

Trolujes ili?:)

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I ja sam se uvek pitao zasto protosi ne idu carriere u pvz-u, kao sto je thor banshee na 3 baze skoro nepobediv kombo ili banshee+viking tako i ovo.


Realno je trebao da leti napolje, zerg nema nishta shto mozhe da ubije mass voidray carrier. Ima preveliki dps da bi se ishlo na mass queen transfuse, hidre smrde, corrupteri se raspadnu od voida chak iako uspesh da pobacash corruption na bash sve jedinice. Infestori vishe ne rade sa neuralom, a ako imash odlichan micro i bacish 10 fungle-ova i dealujesh max dmg, opet carrieri prezhive.

Naravno mothership u kombinaciji chini situaciju tako smeshnom... i ako uspesh da ga ubijesh pre nego shto baci vartex, umrece ti 100 limita u medjuvremenu.

Sva sreca pa se protossi retko sete da rade tako ozbiljan tech switch.


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Realno je trebao da leti napolje, zerg nema nishta shto mozhe da ubije mass voidray carrier. Ima preveliki dps da bi se ishlo na mass queen transfuse, hidre smrde, corrupteri se raspadnu od voida chak iako uspesh da pobacash corruption na bash sve jedinice. Infestori vishe ne rade sa neuralom, a ako imash odlichan micro i bacish 10 fungle-ova i dealujesh max dmg, opet carrieri prezhive.

Naravno mothership u kombinaciji chini situaciju tako smeshnom... i ako uspesh da ga ubijesh pre nego shto baci vartex, umrece ti 100 limita u medjuvremenu.

Sva sreca pa se protossi retko sete da rade tako ozbiljan tech switch.

mene ovde neko zajebava?

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Realno je trebao da leti napolje, zerg nema nishta shto mozhe da ubije mass voidray carrier. Ima preveliki dps da bi se ishlo na mass queen transfuse, hidre smrde, corrupteri se raspadnu od voida chak iako uspesh da pobacash corruption na bash sve jedinice. Infestori vishe ne rade sa neuralom, a ako imash odlichan micro i bacish 10 fungle-ova i dealujesh max dmg, opet carrieri prezhive.

Naravno mothership u kombinaciji chini situaciju tako smeshnom... i ako uspesh da ga ubijesh pre nego shto baci vartex, umrece ti 100 limita u medjuvremenu.

Sva sreca pa se protossi retko sete da rade tako ozbiljan tech switch.

ili je ovo neki zerg vajn u pokusaju ili mu partije traju 30+ min u proseku :)

sto se mene tice ne moraju nista izbacivati/ubacivati ionako sam tek poceo sa sc2, kao ex-wc3 igrac ovaj sc mi je uzasno tezak obzirom da mi je sc1 iskustvo 4-5 partija :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Naniwa je decko retard najgori...

deo desavanja sa MLG-a (sa redita)

NaNiWaisnotBM just made a long post explaining what happened between the delay between NaNiWa vs NesTea in this thread. I recommend you read that first. Two statements jumped out to me:

First: "That's when they cut away, NaNiWa left the booth (presumably to go to the bathroom). NesTea looks pretty pissed at this point (as pissed as you can imagine NesTea looking). The coach comes over to the booth and tells him he can go to the bathroom, and he's like but dude I'm already settled (I could tell because of his body language), and then finally agrees to go anyway.

They both get back and they decide to restart the match.


NaNiWa got back before NesTea (I believe), but in any case, he quickly pulled up the replay from the match before anybody could stop him. As soon as the official on the stage realized, he went into the booth to tell him to stop, but it was too late, NaNiWa had already seen the starting position of NesTea. This went largely unnoticed."

Starting position is obviously not the only thing NaNiWa is seeing in that replay. He's watching NesTeas starting build order, completely unbeknown to NesTea! Considering he doesn't have any issues pulling up the replay, who even knows what he's doing while he's "going to the bathroom?" He could easily be talking to someone who's already been watching NesTea play for the first minute+ of the game.

Second: "The officials allowed NaNiWa's coach INTO THE PLAYER BOOTH with 1:47 on the clock and the game paused. The coach talked to NaNiWa for a minute or two before he left and shut the door. Then a few minutes later, gameplay resumed ... This entire time, NesTea is sitting in his booth, looking defeated. At this point, it's over half an hour since the first attempt at this game had started, and he must not be in his proper mindset."

How is this even remotely OK?? NANIWA'S COACH GOES INTO THE PLAYER BOOTH WITH 1:47 ON THE CLOCK? Unless the coach is deaf and blind he's seen NesTea play for almost two minutes and then has a private conversation with NaNiWa, who's already proved he can't be trusted just minutes earlier. Unless I'm wrong, no one seems to be talking about this, so either I'm completely wrong somewhere and this is all somehow OK or people just don't know about it. I'd personally like to have an explanation of how this is fine.

Edit: People are downvoting this just because they like NaNiWa. At this rate I doubt many more people are going to see this, but FUCK what NaNiWa did, even if I'm the only one that thinks that. That shit was way too shady.

Edit 2: NaNiWa had nothing built before they paused again at 1:49. NesTea still didn't have a pool at this point either (he went hatch first.) Immediately after the break NaNiWa proceeds to cannon rush, and takes an early game advantage. Can someone else who was there confirm what happened during the delay?

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