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Starcraft pricajte - slobodna diskusija

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vrh:)probaj da smanjis malo kvalitet klipa pa da vidis kako bi cucalo na youtubovih 480p.

al koji mec izmedju tlo i whitera:/

ne mogu da verujem da je dobio tri puta za redom protosa:(nema veze, sad navijam za matorog ukrainca:)

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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ahaha pazite sta sam nasao na jednom funny forumu

Blizzard Patch 13 Notes:


Zealot build time increased by 50 seconds

Void Ray speed increased. Void Ray charge speed increase. Void Ray max damage increased

Sentries now have Hallucination by default. Force Field must be researched from the Cybernetics Core.


Thor painted a prettier color, build time adjusted by 5 seconds

Time to build nothing decreased by infinity seconds


Roach health reduced to 90

Hydralisk Den now requires a Hive

Roaches no longer regenerate health quickly when burrowed

Ultralisks can now walk over units

Roach armor reduced to 0

Corrupter: Corruption ability now increases build time of buildings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and causes enemy units to spawn creep every other day of the week

Roaches removed from the game

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O TERANE GOVNO JEDNO...sad ubijem sve zivo osim par zgrada...i sad sedi sa fabrikom i starportom u metopolisu...a ja nemam nexus posto ga ubio sa zadnje 2 bansije..ja vojsku on bez..sa 3 zgrade i eto imba teran...

HAHAAH i govno je livovalo nakon 2 cuke !!!!! FU bre, sva sreca pa je petak bio vece za dl serija :)

Edited by jabre


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Za slucaj da neko prati EU vs Asia,

juce check>strelok i ace>zpux po 3:1, danas sabio DayFly Hasuobsa ne znam tacno koliko a veliki WhiteRa vodi 2:0 vs Sena, odlicne partije

a za slucaj da neko zeli da pogleda to na miru, ovakve stvari stavljajte u spoiler, mkay?


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Ja sam pratio danas, treba pogledati one meceve veoma su poucni pogotovo WhiteRa. Samo cu da kazem, jebeni Azijati [:D].

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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ok sry, zaboravih spoiler :) nema repova ali ima VODova na gosugamers.net, Zpux me razocarao jedini, a whitera n/c, aj da ne komentarisem gledajte... :)

Ja sam pratio danas, treba pogledati one meceve veoma su poucni pogotovo WhiteRa. Samo cu da kazem, jebeni Azijati [:D].

Sad moze da se kaze i za ovo " Starcraft je jedna divna igra u kojoj uvek pobede azijati"


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Ja sam pratio danas, treba pogledati one meceve veoma su poucni pogotovo WhiteRa. Samo cu da kazem, jebeni Azijati [:D].

jedna od stvari za sve protose koju sam jos poodavno primetio i whitera je prso trecu zbog toga ... nikada ne stavljaj pilon tako na sred prolaza da zerglings mogu da ga okruze nego pozicioniras ga do ivice i 2 gateway oko njega tako da max jedan ili dva zerglinga mogu da ga biju 

i r so smart :) 

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Verovatno je bilo, al neće da se baci:

Starcraft vocal mimicry


Dragoon i Overlord, lol.

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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cuo sam da je ovo vec bilo, tako da izvinite ako smaram al nisam uspeo da nadjem nista u proteklih pola sata :)

Elem, dobio sam cd key al je za us server, sta treada da odradim, i kome da posaljem mejl da mi to promene na eu.


Furthermore, once players can survive for a few seconds, it tends to force everyone to worry about defenses once again. Will resilience make enough of a difference? That is something we are discussing right now

I'd hug you but I can't do that while strangulated.

using a snare breaker and a purple costume doesn't prevent dps btw.

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