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Genijalno je šta su bitne teme u igri kad ubacuju novog heroja:
nisam imao pojam da je soldier isto gej :)) za trejserku sam ispratio.

Da, da, mislim da je Soldier76 bio prvi gej karakter a to je prikazano kroz onaj neki njegov origin story video. A da su sve lezbejke kao Tracer gde bi nam bio kraj :)

Ali ovaj novi je baš što bi se reklo novi level jedenja govana sa sve ovim roze stvarima i sl. Kao nisu dovoljno uništili igru, sad hoće da je baš dokrajče.
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Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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moguće, ne znam, ja sam mislio da je trejserka bila prvi rivil kroz strip, onaj neki božićni pa se muvala sa devojkom dok su kitile jelku!

soldiera propustih.

najbolje kod ovog novog lika je što je povrh svega još sa tajlanda :)))

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Pored novog gej lika 🙂  ovo je makar zanimljiv update:


Stranded Spawn System
Regrouping with your team after getting stranded in a spawn room has never been easier! Spawn rooms that shut down due to capturing or losing an objective will now remain partially active for 7 seconds. While you still can't change heroes in these spawn rooms, other new features have been activated. In these “stranded spawns,” the doors remain locked to the opposing team, the healing field remains active, and you can now use the Interact key to instantly teleport to the new active spawn room.

A realno je i zanimljiv Brigit revork, deluje da može da doprinese zanimljivom gejmpleju:

  • Brigitte now gains 100 restorable armor health pool for the duration of Rally
  • Brigitte no longer gradually builds temporary health like her nearby allies
  • Rally now upgrades her Barrier Shield, increasing both its size and health
  • Barrier health increased from 300 to 750 during the ultimate
  • During Rally, Shield Bash now impacts multiple enemies and briefly stuns them
  • Bonus movement speed reduced from 30 to 15%
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Izmeniše renking, možda u pokušaju da dođu do novih igrača 🙂


Updating the Competitive Experience
We’ve heard your feedback on Competitive Play over the last eight seasons, and we have some big updates coming that will give you the opportunity to build on your skills and see how you progress through the Competitive ranks. We built a better system that’s more accurate while also helping convey the meaning behind the mathematical complexity of a modern matchmaker and bring clear insights about what impacts your rank in every match.

Seeing How and Why Your Rank Changes
One piece of feedback we heard is that just knowing your rank doesn’t say anything about why your rank went up or down. Competitive Updates originally worked to provide updates that reflected your growth as a player across multiple matches, but with the goal to provide greater transparency in each individual match, we’re going back to updating your rank after every match and showing how much progress you gain or lose between each Skill Division. We’re also displaying Modifiers that affected your last match below the rank progression bar. Some modifiers help provide transparency in the matchmaking for each match, like getting a boost when you defeat a team that was more favored to win. While other modifiers show if your rank is calibrating, like going on a huge win streak, proving you belong in a higher rank. Feedback is a driving force behind these changes, and we want to hear your thoughts on Competitive Play now that you’ll have more context for each game.

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