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Counter Pit Season 2 - $80,000 LAN u Splitu, EnVy, NaVi potvrđeni!


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Nadam se da ne spemam previše s topicima, al računam da je dobro ovako razglasiti još malo vijesti - veliki internacionalni LAN u Hrvatskoj!


Nakon slovnskog gaming paradisea (fejl), srpskog TWC-a (solidno, al veliki DDoS problemi) treba vidjeti kako će se hrvati snaći u organiziranju velikog CS:GO turnira.
Kakva su vaša očekivanja, hoće li netko potegnuti do Splita za malo dobrog CS-a i DOTA-e?

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Ne znam zasto si u najavi ovakvog turnira morao da spomenes kako je turnir u Sloveniji po tvojim recima "fejl" ili kako je TWC "solidan al veliki DDoS problemi" posto kad otvoris clanak stoji lepo crno na belo "Iako točan broj timova i format LAN-a još nisu poznati" znaci i vi dovodite 100+ ljudi o svom trosku sve im placeno smestaj hrana i let do Splita? Ako jeste onda se ja izvinjavam, ali posto cisto sumnjam da je to slucaj bilo bi lepo kada bi se malo edukovao i obracao/pisao ljudima koji ovo mnogo duze rade od tebe i mene sa malcice vise postovanja, srdacan pozic.

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kobriceeee 1/4 plssss

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Ne znam zasto si u najavi ovakvog turnira morao da spomenes kako je turnir u Sloveniji po tvojim recima "fejl" ili kako je TWC "solidan al veliki DDoS problemi" posto kad otvoris clanak stoji lepo crno na belo "Iako točan broj timova i format LAN-a još nisu poznati" znaci i vi dovodite 100+ ljudi o svom trosku sve im placeno smestaj hrana i let do Splita? Ako jeste onda se ja izvinjavam, ali posto cisto sumnjam da je to slucaj bilo bi lepo kada bi se malo edukovao i obracao/pisao ljudima koji ovo mnogo duze rade od tebe i mene sa malcice vise postovanja, srdacan pozic.

Pa ne znam što nalaziš sporno u onome što sam napisao? Prije godinu dana nitko nebi očekivao da će na balkanu biti ovakvih turnira, a sada u godini dana imamo 3, i zanimljivo u 3 različite države. Logično ih je uspoređivati. 

Naravno da sam nazvao gaming paradise failom kad to i je bio. Takav event je ukaljao cijelu regiju, al TWC je unatoč DDoS problemima malo popravio kako ostatak svijeta gleda na regiju. Ne znam što želiš reći, da DDoS nije ukvario nešto što je mogao biti puno bolji event? Također sam i dodao sljedeće: "treba vidjeti kako će se hrvati snaći u organiziranju velikog CS:GO turnira" i "Kakva su vaša očekivanja?". Nisam nigdje tvrdio da će ovaj event biti pun pogodak, niti bolji od ijednog drugog.

Što se tiče ovog drugog dijela tvog posta, ne znam tko bi se tu točno trebao informirati, ja ili ti? Pošto je upravo na EFRAG stranici objavljeno da se je kreiran CS:GO Team Union sa svim top timovima koji ima sljedeće zahtjeve prema organizatorima:

Travel support:
- Travel support should be completely separated from prize money
- Tournaments should provide a full travel support for Dota2 and CS:GO players + manager/coach, 6 in total. 

The minimum amount of prize money for CS:GO will be 75.000$ excluding travel support 

Stoga je logično očekivati da će i Counter/DOTA Pit pokriti putne troškove svim natjecateljima, ako je već objavljeno da će sudjelovati EnVy i NaVi.

srdacan pozic


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i TWC i gaming paradise su bili raspad, ne tripujte se

SirScoots o TWCu i Availeru:

  • Scoots was approached to work as a host on TWC and he said yes because he thought it's a cool idea for national teams battling each other.
  • He realize things is not gonna be as good as he has thought when he arrives to the hotel and bumps into Jason "Jay" Atkins. Jay is stressed beyond belief being tasked with stuff that he shouldn't even be doing (as a producer/director).
  • Scoots arrives to the venue and realize that the organizers don't get access to venue until 7 pm, one day and a half before the event starts. Which is a very small time window. "This is the first red flag".
  • The organizers also got a TV truck without informing Jay about this, which meant that he needed to put down a lot of extra work to get his graphics and video segments to work with that kind of system.
  • Scoots walks into the analyst/host area and realize that there is no lounge, which the organizer had said there would be before the event. There is only a uncomfortable desk, which is way too high. The staff doesn't try to solve the issue with the desk during the whole tournament.
  • The sound equipment casters/analysts/hosts/producers use to communicate had a lot of issues. Scoots tried to fix the settings himself so they could hear each other and minimizing the noise, but after every video segment there would be a sound guy there to fuck up all the settings again.
  • The hosts/analyst was never unmuted/muted in time. They said things out loud in the venue when they though they were muted. Scoots also had to announce the winning team of the tournament four times, three of those times he was muted.
  • There were no basic supplies like water, coffee or snacks. They did however have runners (volunteers). But the organizer refused to give money to the volunteers so they couldn't go buy water for the casters. Scoots eventually had to take his own money to give to them so they could get them water and food, since they can't leave the venue themselves.
  • The organizers were treating the volunteers like shit and yelling at them. So volunteers stopped showing up. He heard that there were 15 volunteers when the event started and only 4 left when it ended.
  • Availer, the organizer, didn't do anything to solve all the problems and issues. Instead he was focusing on being in the spotlight casting matches instead of cleaning up his mess. Availer also wanted to cast the final so he asked Scoots what he though about having three guys casting the finals. Scoots said that is a bad idea, because he had already hired DDK and James. Then Availer said he was casting the finals together with DDK and James, without telling them. They said no, but eventually agreed on rotating casters. So DDK and James would cast one map, then Availer jumped in replacing on of them.
  • The tournament had no proper DDOS protection.
  • When the matches was delayed because of the DDOS:ing Scoots suggested that the last match of the day should be played offline so the teams could go to bed before 12 am, so they could focus on the next day instead. Availer said no, because then NBK and the other guys would become angry because they want their stage time. Scoots asked the french team if this was true, and they said that is was bullshit.
  • Hitbox.tv and the production crews was really cool guys though and did the best they could considering the circumstances.
  • Scoots said he will never, ever, never, never, never work with Availer again.
  • Some players cheated and nobody caught it until the last day, and it was the CASTERS who caught them. (The coaches could hear the casters and gave information to the players.)
  • "Availer is a delusional fuckwad"
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