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Post-bomb beer might not poison you, but will it keep its flavor?

The report says, "Immediate taste tests [gotta wonder who got that job] indicated that the beverages, both beer and soft drinks, were still of commercial quality, although there was evidence of a slight flavor change in some of the products exposed at 1,270 feet from Ground Zero." The most blasted beers were "definitely off."





What's the lesson here?

There's a second lesson here, Alex thinks. Because beverages in bottles and cans keep you safely hydrated in dire emergencies, it makes sense to keep a six-pack or two or three (or four), in the basement, just in case. What if there's no lootable convenience store conveniently close by?

"For me, the takeaway here is that the next time you find yourself stocking up on beer, remember, it's not just for the long weekend," he says. "It might be for the end of days."

Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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Bio ja ovog leta, nije lose, ali moras na jedan ili drugi nacin da izbegnes sabaniju. Prvi je da boravis u hotelu Jezero koji ima svoju plazu (nije izdrkavanje nikakvo, samo je mirno, neko kamenje i voda je mnogo cistija), to je naravno skuplja varijanta. Druga varijanta je da kampujes, ali za to treba da nadjes fino mesto, takodje negde izdvojeno i to bi bilo dobro da ti neko preporuci ko je ranije bio.

Edited by LESkOpoz


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