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MMORPG General News Thread

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1. Lik voli da malo link-bait-uje ali OK.

2. Ako SWTOR ima 500k subscribera mozete za muda da me obesite na Terazijama. 

3. Slazem se sa sledecom recenicom iz clanka (govori o monthly subscription modelu)



But this isn’t a perfect world, and a game has to be truly incredible to inspire that sort of fan devotion where they’d welcome such a model with open arms.



Jel se svi slazemo da ce TESO biti najveci MMORPG launch u istoriji? Ne kazem da ce biti najuspesnija igra u istoriji nego najveci launch. SWTOR je valjda u prvoj nedelji imao milion i 2 miliona u prvom mesecu. To je bio najuspesniji launch. Za ESO mi se cini oko 3 miliona minimum s obzirom da imaju nesto tipa 5 miliona prijavljenih za betu + PS4 + XBone prodaje kad krenu.

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Voli da baituje ali je i korektan, izneo je sve šta je bilo, šta je, kako je i zbog čega.


Pa slažemo se da će biti solidno veliki launch, ali recimo, ne sećam se da je postojao preveliki hajp oko igre, recimo na GC-ju ove godine. Ako si bio, verovatno si mogao i sam to da primetiš. Mislim da developeri i uopšte kuće imaju problem sa tim da procene svoje tržište. Kao da se zalepe za onih, neka bude i 1000 fan postova "ovo je najbolja igra ikada" a kada dođe do releasea, skapira se da je zapravo broj onih koji bi igrali "neznatno" veći. Neznatno pod navodnicima, možda je bolje bilo da sam rekao, ne odgovara broju koji su predvideli zbog hajpa.

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Lord of the Rings Online Community Manager Rick Heaton spent time answering various player queries during a recent "Take the Hobbits to Isengard" event, and an enterprising player recorded the salient details to pass along.

Heaton said that despite demand from players, the team is not working on creating any new traditional instances, raids, or Rohan housing. He did comment that one of the older zones is a "possibility" for a revamp during 2014 and that there are no plans to merge servers. For players looking to jump from the old Codemasters servers to the other ones, Heaton reported that a "significant technical issue" has kept this from becoming a reality.


If you're curious about how many people are playing the game, well, you're going to be curious for a long time to come. "Unless we can say we have 10 million players and are bigger than World of Warcraft, what's the point?" asked Heaton during the event.
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