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Tom Clancy's Division

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Ne isplati se ici rouge jer se ne dobija skoro nista..... Bio sam ja na manhuntu i preziveo, dobio sam tricavih 1450 DZ kredita...smejao sam se sarkasticno par minuta...u tom trenutku sam bio lvl 19/30 (dz lvl 30) i imao sam sve ljubicasto na sebi pa mi je bilo easyyy, probacu da okacim video te akcije

Trebalo mi je oko 15h igre da dodjem do dz lvl 30, a nekih 8h posle toga do lvl 30. Udjem u dz kad ono svi NPCjevi daju duplo vise dz exp-a - kad sam bio lvl 19 NPCjevi su davali 90-100 dz exp a na lvl 30 190-235. Loot koji se dobija u kutijama koje zahtevaju lvl 30 je beskoristan jer su to plavi itemi. Jedino za sta je dobar loot iz dz-a je rastavljanje za crafting ili prodaju cisto da se ima nesto para....

end game (no spoilers):

par zadnjih misija obavezno odigrajte na hard sa nekom ekipom(moze i random, ja sam tako i igrao) jer znaju biti izuzetno zabavne

kad zveknete lvl 30, radite misije na challenge modu(nije tesko sa crowd control bombama ako imate ok opremu )

Enivejz dobar materijal za citanje endgame-a



7/10, ne vredi 60e, mozda 30ak

mozda popravim ocenu ako inkurzije budu dobre i promene dz




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@shkabo i ja smo svaku misiju igrali na hard, sto zbog vise expa sto zbog nekog izazova i naravno loota :D
Levelovanje ide jako brzo, na svaka dva levela se dobija misija koja bukvalno da expa za skoro ceo level. 24/24 sam atm, nisam igrao planirano mnogo za vikend, ali kontam da cu danas uzeti taj 30ti, osim ako mi tenkovi ne budu uzeli paznju :))


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Trenutno su pofiksali chitere podosta, mada ce se verovatno izroditi novi talas, ali ranije ih sretnes svako malo, sad skoro nikad, u pvp-u jos redje, posto ako te neko raportuje, a ti cheat-ovao, ban 2 nedelje (bilo je 3 dana pre). Bagove su doooooooooooosta pofiksali, sto u gejmpleju, sto u RPG momentima (negativni bonusi, etc etc), tako da je igra sad kul skroz. Izlazi uskoro 1.2 patch, sto donosi novu inkurziju, novi Darkzone bracket za ove nolifere, padace dosta oruzija, sve u svemu, idu na bolje. 



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Evo ovo je detaljan opis za sve koji nisu kupili a planiraju da kupe posle ulozenih 250 hardcore sati, svaki aspekt igre uradjen, predjen, izgrindovan:

Igra ogranicena ko terasa! Vrijedi jedno 10e max! A ko hoce detaljnije aspekte i da mu je jasnije dovoljavan vam je review jest da je na engleskom al ebi ga...


If i were to describe the game in one word it would be just plain average. Ende.
This game is what would happen to the matrix movie if Neo took the blue pill!

I’ve actually gave it another chance and waited for a first patch to post an honest review.
I've also put decent amount of hours into it, playing it solo and with friends, trying to cover all the "alleged aspects" of the game, by actually playing it.

Let's start with a few obvious negative points:

- Repetitive
After few interesting encounters when i started the game it became so repetitive that i caught my self falling asleep in cover several times, seriously.

- Item junkyard simulator
There is just too many same items in the game and yes game suffers from all those problems of generic mmos.
One of them being you need no single item bought or found before you reach end game.
The only difference being most of those games went free to play nowadays.
Also dismantle of items just magically works wherever you are, no need for anything specific, how convenient...
Even in a games where you have magic as main theme you need some kind of skill or "table&tools" etc...

- No trade
Apart from primitive form of item exchange in instanced missions.

- No market
No player driven market or even auction house of some sort.
It makes grinding even more dull.

- Oversimplified things, catered to the kakapos!
This is simply the main theme of the game.
Unbelievably simple game in general.
One example would be GPS nav.
WTF is up with GPS guiding? Why?
I honestly can not comprehend the ignorance to make such a mistake. You make a gorgeous map representing magnificent NYC, with
so much effort put into details like graffitti, which are stunningly looking by the way;
In trash cans garbage made so it doesn't feel generic and copy pasted and so on....
No seriously, if you stop for a moment and wander on your own in the city, you would be amazed by the level of detail and effort put into it.
AND THEN you make a GPS faking line that is in the middle of your screen guiding you as if you were intellectually challenged person, from point A to point B, making sure you see nothing and remember nothing of the city they’ve put several years into making.

It is insultingly simple. In the lack of better explanation.
This is another aspect of game which feels like delivered on plate already, you need 0 intellectual effort.
In contrary to deconstructing items you actually have to "teleport" to a base and approach a desk where you can construct anything you want from 5 types of materials in 3 different colors. Amount you can carry with you is unlimited though.
If i give it a serious thought, I doubt that all those items you carry would fit into small truck let alone man with backpack, but hey, I’m starting to be picky about game immersion am I not. NOT.

- No Open World and falsely advertized as sandbox/openworld
Instanced to the bone.
The only "open" area is Dark Zone which is further bracketed and instanced for players with higher and lower gear score and level.


That is the most ♥♥♥♥♥ up concept in most games today and this one does not miss the well.
In the lack of imagination, i guess, they implemented, not One, but 5 different currencies in the game!
As a result making the main currency obsolete, period.
I mean you can buy ♥♥♥♥, but then again in 10 minutes of game play you outgrown it and sell it again.
That concept/flaw is known to some games, but those are dating back to 2003 and have a good excuse by patching old wounds.
Not an excuse for a 2016 game, specially in that price range.

It seams that they abandoned the concept of PvP endgame and now rushing to make anything PvE wise.
Cheat protection still non existent to date.
This is even more interesting if you start to dig deeper and come to understanding that the core of the game is client side computed.
This fact erases even hope to prevent cheating in the future.

The idea that someone had is actually good and there it stops.
Risk / reward PvP system i mean. It could have been brilliant.
But then somehow it seams they just shied away from committing to it.
What I actually saw in a promotional trailer from 2014 and 2015 blew me away. 4 guys on the extraction zone
went Rogue on each other, because of loot, which most found amazing, imagine the balls...re precautions if they were your friends etc...
What we’ve got is not that you can not go rogue on your friends, there is NO Friendly fire even.
Again oversimplyfied and catered to the kakapos!


To be perfectly honest game has some seriously good engine.
Animations are fluid and feel natural.
Movement, specially from cover to cover, is really good.
Animations in general look stunning.
Dynamic weather etc..

Variety of sound effects and behavior of diverse guns.

Eye candy explosions and graphics.

City and texture details of the game are really solid.

Voice overs are excellent.

When you are in instanced, solo campaign, map it really feels deserted, as if appocalipse has struck.

Idea of game is great.

AI is actually very solid.


It really disspleases me to say that i can not recommend this game, it really does.
It seems that The Division is yet another example of "corporate management over product" ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t.
It is so obvious that the decision makers of this game had only one thing on their mind.
I often found myself asking the question did they even tried to play their own game.
By playing the game, it really speaks trough cracks that those decision makers of the game actually do not play games and have no idea what a game, in general, should be about.
At the end i feel sorry for all the missed opportunity, for all those awesome and talented designers and developers that were involved.
Having all that talent and resources on disposal and make so many common sense mistakes for an mmo it just can not be more than average product in the end.

As a final verdict to the game i would like to paste the link to video review that i find very honest and a bit deeper then those generic
reviews of today, which seem to be focusing only on few aspects and missing what games should be about.…


Klubbing,Klubbing zezanje do bola u clubu ces me naci samo ispod stola


"Cool quote" - Cool guy.

-cs aka t0X1c

-wc3 aka Boske

-wow aka fAwo

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