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Mr. Hook took the 'order pizza for a stranger' prank to an epic level in the year 1809 on the streets of London. Theodore sent thousands of letters requesting deliveries, services, and visitors to come on a certain day to a randomly selected home. When the day arrived he and his friend watched from a house across the street as an army of workers, service providers, and deliveries bombarded the house starting at 4:00 AM continuing late into the night. It began as twelve chimney sweeps, a fleet of coal delivery carts, and dozens of wedding cakes started arriving in one hour intervals. Fish and shoe deliveries followed. To make things even more chaotic, six pianos and a team of stout men arrived to deliver an organ. A host of doctors, lawyers, and priests were also summoned to attend to someone they were told was dying in the house. When madness on the narrow street peaked, dignitaries such as the Governor of the Bank of England, the Duke of York, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Lord Mayor of the City of London also arrived.

jbte :))

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carski kanal. I odabir rivala i zvucna obrada su genijalni

Odgledao sam prvih 10-tak. Favoriti su mi Saw vs Sherlock, Ronaldo vs Ronaldinho i Tysoff vs Duke Nukem [roflmao]

Prosto mi zao da gledam jos jer cu se smoriti kad odgledam sve [:D]

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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