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Prodaja gamecardova za gold!


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Za one koji se pitaju u cemu je caka evo sa prve strane google pretrage o cemu se radi. Procenite sami da li se isplati.

I was running around bored in the World of Warcraft today, tired of coding. I saw a guy (lets call him Bob) in the trade channel who said that he was selling this item for 10,000g:


This item, in case you don't know, is a passenger flying mount, the only one in the game. The way it is obtained is by recruiting a friend to World of Warcraft, having them buy the full game, and then paying for 2 months of subscription. All in all, this costs about $50. This is not to say that the mount itself costs $50, because ideally your friend was going to play the game anyway, so you essentially get it as a 'signing bonus' to get more people playing the game. It is brilliant marketing by Blizzard.

Back to Bob. Bob seemed shady at first, but I participated in his deal because he was promising to deliver the goods before the gold was exchanged, in this way it was impossible for what he was doing to be a scam. The deal worked like this:

1) I show Bob that I own at least 10,000g

2) He sends me an email address to be recruited

3) I log into the Recruit-A-Friend service on battle.net and 'recruit' the friend

4) This gives Bob a 10 day free trial, linked to my account

5) Bob then buys the game and prepays for 2 months of WoW, costing about $50

6) I claim my item which is mailed to me in game

7) I then give Bob the 10k gold

Now you may realize that this leaves Bob completely open to being scammed. People doing the advertising generally don't do this. Anyone could essentially, without the possibility of punishment, simply not pay Bob after the goods are given. There is no escrow trading service for this type of transaction.

Not only is he open to scam, but this is not economically viable to sustain. The cost of gold on the gold selling market is approximately $3 per 1,000, which means that 10k gold is worth about $30. This means he is paying $50 for $30, which also didn't make sense. This had me puzzled, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. This guy was doing this ALL DAY, I knew of at least 7 people who bought from him, since this deal is extremely good, because there is a surplus of gold in the game at the moment (hence low gold prices, which were about $8 per 1000 during the summer).

So I got to thinking, and ended up coming up with my theory, which after much convincing Bob to spill the truth, he confirmed:

There are many companies set up in various parts of the world that essentially farm gold, hence the term you may have heard called gold farming. Huge computer labs employ people who are paid pennies an hour to do things in game to make money. This money is then sent to their employers, and the employers package and sell it online. It's a multi million dollar a year industry.

With this recruit a friend program, the gold farmers had realized a huge potential for more money. Since gold farming needs to operate on a huge scale to remain profitable, the farmers need hundreds if not thousands of accounts to keep going. These accounts often get banned or suspended due to their shady activities, so needless to say, they sign up for a lot of subscriptions. Bob was employed by one of these companies to do the following:

1) Sign up for a new email account on gmail or hotmail

2) Advertise that he was trying to get his friend into the game, and that he was selling a rocket mount for 10k

3) Give the buyer the email address to be recruited

4) Pay for the game with his boss's credit card, and buy the subscription, giving the buyer the reward

5) The buyer claims his reward, then chooses whether or not to uphold his end of the bargain (I did)

So the end result is, the gold farmers get 10,000 free gold with every account they were going to sign up for anyways. This cuts their spending from $50 to about $20 for a 2 month account, which is a HUGE savings in the long run. Even if people choose not to pay, they still have the account that they needed to create in the first place, so there is zero loss. Only profits.

Clever, clever gold farmers.

Who wants a ride on my rocket mount?

Edited by zuhx
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50k je cata, ceo acc sadrzi originalni wow, tbc i wotlk pored te cataclysme. Kapiram da je to to

Tako je. Ja sam malo preterao sa cenom od 200k za sve ekspanzije nisam se dobro preracunao. :P Znaci veceras/sutra cu da izbacim cenovnik ekspanzija u dinarima/goldima, naravno da ce full acc kostati dosta manje. Pozz

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Toxiko da li bi mogao da zavrsis barem one transakcije za koje si vec uzeo gold i account info? Moj drugar je pre vise od nedelju dana ugovorio trade sa tobom, dao ti gold i info i jos uvek nije cuo nista od tebe. U medjuvremenu mu je istekao acc a ne moze da te kontaktira posto ti je telefon iskljucen, veruje da je scamovan. Ako vec imas toliko obaveza oko skole i ostalog mozda ne bi trebao da prihvatas poslove koje neces moci da zavrsis.

Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk.

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Toxiko da li bi mogao da zavrsis barem one transakcije za koje si vec uzeo gold i account info? Moj drugar je pre vise od nedelju dana ugovorio trade sa tobom, dao ti gold i info i jos uvek nije cuo nista od tebe. U medjuvremenu mu je istekao acc a ne moze da te kontaktira posto ti je telefon iskljucen, veruje da je scamovan. Ako vec imas toliko obaveza oko skole i ostalog mozda ne bi trebao da prihvatas poslove koje neces moci da zavrsis.

Prvo, nisu to nikakve transakcije. Drugo, trebutno sam u govnima i ne mogu da radim nista sto je vezano za World of Warcraft jer imam problema sa kreditnom karticom. Rekao sam coveku da ce u petak dobiti 3 meseca iako je platio dva, zbog toga sto ceka vec neko vreme. Ja bih voleo da mogu sve da stignem i sve da usluzim u roku od 10 minuta, meni se javlja preko 10 ljudi na dan svako hoce 2-3 meseca, jednostavno nisam mogao da stignem iako je covek insistirao da mi da acc info i gold. Drugo, telefon mi nije iskljucen. Ja sam juce i sinoc pricao sa njim, zamolio me je da to sinoc odradim ali kao sto rekoh zbog tehnickih problema i mojih obaveza koje su veruj mi jako velike (pitanje ponavljanja trece godine gimnazije) nisam nasao vremena da to uradim. Jos na sve to imam problema sa kreditnom tako da se nadam da cu u petak moci da radim tj. da ce pare da legnu na karticu, a u petak sam slobodan covek. Pozdrav

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realno ovaj posao mi je cisto onako usput, da zaradim nesto kad ponestane, rekao sam vam da se od jula pocinjem ozbiljnije baviti ovim... :)

Realno, evo prosao i petak, sta se desava? Koliko ce covek jos da ceka? Zasto zavlacis? Odgovori mi trebaju, hitno. Nije tesko da kazes: moja greska, jebiga, takva i takva je situacija je, bla bla... Ali da lazes i odugovlacis, to vec nije ok, zar ne?

ps. Hello world :P

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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Realno, evo prosao i petak, sta se desava? Koliko ce covek jos da ceka? Zasto zavlacis? Odgovori mi trebaju, hitno. Nije tesko da kazes: moja greska, jebiga, takva i takva je situacija je, bla bla... Ali da lazes i odugovlacis, to vec nije ok, zar ne?

ps. Hello world :P

ma bre reko sam vam da je situacija u kurcu ono uopste nemam ni vremena ni volje da radim samo vicem sutra i sutra... pocinjem da radim tek pocetkom jula, cisto da znate... a sta tebi treba?

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Sta mu treba? Ti si decko retardiran. Reci jasno KADA ti planiras da obavis posao za koji su uzeo pare pre 2 nedelje, a trebao je da traje par sati, 1 dan max. Tebi je u redu da neko toliko ceka za nesto sto je unapred platio, jer ti nemas VOLJE da radis i samo vices "sutra i sutra"?

Leela's experiencing the greatest joy a woman can feel: worshiping some low-life jerk.

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Pa njemu treba da rešiš samo ono što si već počeo, zajedničkom drugaru si uzeo i acc i gold i ništa se ne dešava već duže od dve nedelje.

Prst u čelo, zabole sve realno jel tebi ovo hobi ili full time posao, radi ko svet ili nemoj raditi.

Go then. There are other worlds than these.

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ma bre reko sam vam da je situacija u kurcu ono uopste nemam ni vremena ni volje da radim samo vicem sutra i sutra... pocinjem da radim tek pocetkom jula, cisto da znate... a sta tebi treba?

Ja ovde vidim kako ti obecavas brda i doline ali ti slabo nesto ide, pricam o coveku sa skajpa, vaske_su, uzeo si gold, acc info, nisi produzio, sada mu je istekao acc, ti se i dalje pravis lud, sutra pa sutra, sto nisi vikao sutra i sutra kad si uzimao gold?

lol vidi ovog. hah vaske al' smo se svi zauzeli za tvoj jebeni gamecard castis piće sledeci put kad si u palanci :D

Nisam znao da "Mass Resurrection" radi i na forumu! :P Mene byee jos nije castio za prvu platu sto je dobio... ccc

A pivo moze uvek, ali uvek :P

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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