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LoL pricajte - slobodna diskusija


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Ranked, krene champ select, meni prsne net...podigne se posle par minuta, uradim relog i krenem ucitavanje, vidim dobio random pick kennen, ad rune i masteries. Odigram dosta dobro, srusimo im kule ispred nexusa, ponovo mi prsne net i izgubimo(ne racunam par puta sto je prskalo...npr umnrem na midu dok sam isao ka top na samom pocetku - free kill)

Najjace sto dobijes leave, i gubis rating ako izadjes dok se biraju heroji u ranked match-u. Par puta se desilo meni i Vuceticu u XL-u.

Edited by Kristian
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Hungering Strike's heal is no longer reduced if the damage is shielded

Gg...Jedan od najefikasnijih nacina da se lako counteruje warwick je bilo ovo...Imati neki abzorb.Mogu samo da zamislim kakav ce nalet lanewicka biti posle patcha.

Oh well...Idemo 3x Regrowth pendant counter sad.

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i ovo Leaver amnesty from games going back to June 1st. Many disconnections weren’t your fault, and we don’t want unintended leaves to reflect negatively on you.

upropastili mi elo, al okej ce valjda sad biti :D

I see by your outfit, that you are a cowboy.

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