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Pitanja oko x64 Win 7


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Posto nameravam da stavim Win 7 x64 imam nekoliko pitanja :

1. Da li moram da stavljam posebne drivere za plocu, zvucnu, audio, posto je OS x64 i ako moram kako to da uradim posto na disku koji je dosao uz plocu pise da disk sadrzi te drivere ali tu su samo folderi tipa x64 ili vista 64 i u njima nema nikakvih exe fajlova ?

2. Shto se tice programa isto me zanima da li cu npr. morati da skidam winrar, winamp , gom i posebno anti-virus anti-spyware isto na x64 ili mogu da stavim ove koje trenutno imam na XP SP2 ?

3. I jos jedno pitanje oko igrica potpuno isto kao i predhodna 2 da li moram da imam neke x64 verzije ili neke peceve i tako neshto da bi igrice radile u tom OS npr. (CS , Warcraft3, MOST WANTED , FIFA09 , CArbon i bilo koja druga igrica) ?

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"Improving performance is one of Microsoft’s design goals with Windows 7, and many early reviewers have said that the new OS seems peppier than Vista. But tests of the Windows 7 Release Candidate in our PC World Test Center found that while Windows 7 was slightly faster on our WorldBench 6 suite, the differences may be barely noticeable to users.

We loaded the Windows 7 Release Candidate on three systems (two desktops and a laptop) and then ran our WorldBench 6 suite. Afterward we compared the results with the WorldBench 6 numbers from the same three systems running Windows Vista. Each PC was slightly faster when running Windows 7, but in no case was the overall improvement greater than 5 percent, our threshold for when a performance change is noticeable to the average user.

The largest difference was 4 points–102 for Vista versus 106 for Windows 7 on an HP Pavillion a6710t desktop. Our other two test machines showed similarly minor performance improvements: A Maingear M4A79T Deluxe desktop improved by 1 point (from 138 on Vista to 139 on Windows 7), and a Dell Studio XPS 16 laptop improved by 2 points, from 97 on Vista to 99 on Windows 7."

E do kurca bas.

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Ne znam za testove, ali Win7 x64 kod mene radi zaista odlichno. Posle Win7, kada udjem u XP x64 mi izgleda kao da sam se vratio u vreme 486-ica - drljanje po hardu, podize se josh 5 minuta posle otvaranja desktopa, smaranje stalno... Vreme je da se zakopa taj XP i nek mu je laka zemlja.

А в чем сила, брат?

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"Improving performance is one of Microsoft’s design goals with Windows 7, and many early reviewers have said that the new OS seems peppier than Vista. But tests of the Windows 7 Release Candidate in our PC World Test Center found that while Windows 7 was slightly faster on our WorldBench 6 suite, the differences may be barely noticeable to users.

We loaded the Windows 7 Release Candidate on three systems (two desktops and a laptop) and then ran our WorldBench 6 suite. Afterward we compared the results with the WorldBench 6 numbers from the same three systems running Windows Vista. Each PC was slightly faster when running Windows 7, but in no case was the overall improvement greater than 5 percent, our threshold for when a performance change is noticeable to the average user.

The largest difference was 4 points–102 for Vista versus 106 for Windows 7 on an HP Pavillion a6710t desktop. Our other two test machines showed similarly minor performance improvements: A Maingear M4A79T Deluxe desktop improved by 1 point (from 138 on Vista to 139 on Windows 7), and a Dell Studio XPS 16 laptop improved by 2 points, from 97 on Vista to 99 on Windows 7."

E do kurca bas.

:) Test nekompetentan, abort

Ja furam win 7 za testove, rad, i sve sto mogu kasti, winxp pozivi mi jos dugo

Dok sa druge strane, win2k8 server je prelepo bolji od 2k3.

vrlo cudno

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Koliko sam chitao, prednost sedmice je shto ne usporava posle duzeg vremena korishcenja (mislim na mesece, ne na sate)...

to vista radi kako treba vec godinama.

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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A kad posle win 7 udjes u Vistu ? :)

Kad udjem u Vistu sa 8Gb rama, sve je veoma brzo (tj. Vista se podize jako brzo i skoro momentalno je spremna za rad shto je svakako bolje od XP-a) :) Ali je Win7 ipak nekako brzi - nema smaranja sa UAC-om, nema drljanja po hardu bez razloga itd...

Edited by ZerBah

А в чем сила, брат?

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Kad udjem u Vistu sa 8Gb rama, sve je veoma brzo (tj. Vista se podize jako brzo i skoro momentalno je spremna za rad shto je svakako bolje od XP-a) :) Ali je Win7 ipak nekako brzi - nema smaranja sa UAC-om, nema drljanja po hardu bez razloga itd...

matori 8 gb rama :)

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Jbg izgleda da ce i win 7 da sjebu, shtakori...

Si lud, sistem pere.

Sad sam overio hibernaciju.

Windows XP - pola godine.

Vista - 5 minuta loading

Seven - 10s loading

Juche sam je instalirao na laptop (upgrade) sa viste....i sad sam prvi put upalio iz hibernacije...BRATEEEEEEEEEEEE ZNACHI BRATEEEE OVO SE ZOVE HIBERNACIJA...a ne oni kurci pre...ranije je brate sleepu trebalo ovoliko da se digne.....jebo mame kako su oprali sistem u pichku materinu.

I labels brate...jaooo brateee....

I Windows Side By Side opicaja....ijaaaoooo

I ovaj novi PIN/Group/Quick Launch/Taskbar sistem....zjuuuu

I ovo sa hide icons but show notification u system tray-u....Ojoooojooooo

Ma brate sistem leti, znachi tjao zdravo, otisho sam da obrishem Solaris, uBuntu i Mac OS X...Microsoft prvi put u zhivotu...opro.

Ustvari ne Solaris, moram sachekam Windows Server 2009 (2010?) za to. Al za User OS:


poz voz 2011

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matori 8 gb rama :)

Da, 8 Gb rama, shta je tu problem. Ako imash pare da dash za quad core 200 evra i grafichku isto toliko, zashto ne bi dao i 100-150 evra za 8 Gb rama?!? Ajde sada svi da radimo sa 640 kb rama, neko je nekad rekao da nam vishe nece trebati...


Jbg izgleda da ce i win 7 da sjebu, shtakori...

Uzmi probaj pre nego shto ga zakopash. Ovako mozesh da ga pljujesh do sutra.

А в чем сила, брат?

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Da, 8 Gb rama, shta je tu problem. Ako imash pare da dash za quad core 200 evra i grafichku isto toliko, zashto ne bi dao i 100-150 evra za 8 Gb rama?!? Ajde sada svi da radimo sa 640 kb rama, neko je nekad rekao da nam vishe nece trebati...

I tebi žena nešto ne daje ? [8D]

Brate samo pokusavam da kazem ono kao svaka cast, pao ram, rendering, 64 ovo ono (uz mali hajlajt da normalno da radi super vista na 8 gb)

You may have gone to Cambridge, but I'm an honorary graduate of Starfleet Academy

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Da, 8 Gb rama, shta je tu problem. Ako imash pare da dash za quad core 200 evra i grafichku isto toliko, zashto ne bi dao i 100-150 evra za 8 Gb rama?!? Ajde sada svi da radimo sa 640 kb rama, neko je nekad rekao da nam vishe nece trebati...

Uzmi probaj pre nego shto ga zakopash. Ovako mozesh da ga pljujesh do sutra.


Cim izadje full, ovako necu da se zezam sa betom, nesto mi se ne rushi ceo sistem zbog toga :)

Btw kad izlazi full inace ?

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"Improving performance is one of Microsoft’s design goals with Windows 7, and many early reviewers have said that the new OS seems peppier than Vista. But tests of the Windows 7 Release Candidate in our PC World Test Center found that while Windows 7 was slightly faster on our WorldBench 6 suite, the differences may be barely noticeable to users.

We loaded the Windows 7 Release Candidate on three systems (two desktops and a laptop) and then ran our WorldBench 6 suite. Afterward we compared the results with the WorldBench 6 numbers from the same three systems running Windows Vista. Each PC was slightly faster when running Windows 7, but in no case was the overall improvement greater than 5 percent, our threshold for when a performance change is noticeable to the average user.

The largest difference was 4 points–102 for Vista versus 106 for Windows 7 on an HP Pavillion a6710t desktop. Our other two test machines showed similarly minor performance improvements: A Maingear M4A79T Deluxe desktop improved by 1 point (from 138 on Vista to 139 on Windows 7), and a Dell Studio XPS 16 laptop improved by 2 points, from 97 on Vista to 99 on Windows 7."

E do kurca bas.

Samo nasi useri primecuju koliko je sedmica brza i bolja, dok testovi ba Benchu pokazuju da je manje od 5%... Hmmm...

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