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ESL: ENC 2009 - FIFA 09

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Obaveštenje vezano za ESL: ENC 2009 - FIFA 09.

ESL: ENC 2009 - FIFA 09 - Vesti

ESL: ENC 2009 - FIFA 09 - Pravila

A clanwar consists of 5 1on1 matches. Each 1on1 consists of 2 matches (1 with each player as host). At the end of each clanwar 10 1on1 matches should have been played. For every victory in a 1on1 the clan gets 2 points. When a draw is played each clan gets 1 point. Each loss gives 0 points. Golden goal and overtime is not to be played in case of a draw. Example:

Clan A - Clan B

- Player A1 - Player B1 3:0 / 2:1 - 4 points for A1

- Player A2 - Player B2 2:4 / 2:0 - 2 points for A2 and 2 points for B2

- Player A3 - Player B3 2:1 / 3:3 - 3 points for A3 and 1 point for B3

- Player A4 - Player B4 0:5 / 1:3 - 4 points for B4

- Player A5 - Player B5 6:0 / 4:4 - 3 points for A5 and 1 point for B5

- Result: 12:8 for Clan A

@Quakenet - iRC channel

- #serbia.fifa

- #top.rs

- #team-serbia

/ National Team of Serbia - offical Web site /

- Sastav reprezentacije je:

/ Team Serbia - ESL:ENC 2009/

Stručni štab

1. Organization/Manager - Predrag Đuričić - RyZeeR - / ESL LINK /


1. Captain - Goran Rebić - ReBBa - / ESL LINK /

2. Fighter - Ozren Petrović - Ozy - / ESL LINK /

3. Fighter - Joko Baucal - Joko - / ESL LINK /

4. Fighter - Nemanja Đurkić - Rounder - / ESL LINK /

5. Fighter - Igor Kesar - Kesar - / ESL LINK /

6. Fighter - Marko Baucal - mArK0 - / ESL LINK /

8. Fighter - Marko Milošević - Mashky - / ESL LINK /


Main iRC channel - #serbia.fifa , #esl.fifa

ENC 2009 - The first Qualification Round in FIFA 09

/ Belarus vs. Serbia /

vs Belarus


Team Belarus vs Team Serbia - 22.04.2009 (SREDA) 21:00h - mIRC kanal @ quakenet #enc.fifa.live2


* Mario © [1:2] [2:2] Rounder

* Desh [3:7] [2:3] Kesar

* Zahar [3:2] [3:3] Joko

* FiFALiTY [0:3*] [0:3*] ReBBa ©

* TBA [0:3*] [0:3*] Marko

Rezultat: Team Serbia [16:04] Team Belarus





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Main iRC channel - #serbia.fifa , #esl.fifa

ENC 2009 - The second Qualification Round in FIFA 09

/ Switzerland vs. Serbia /

vs Switzerland


Team Switzerland vs Team Serbia - 06.05.09 (SREDA) 21:00h - mIRC kanal @ quakenet #enc.fifa.live4


* YB1898 [1:3] [1:3] Rounder

* Snails [1:3] [3:3] Kesar

* Nick85 [3:5] [2:2] Joko ©

* Patrick © [3:0] [2:1] unBaqBar

* Mirodeniro [1:1] [2:3] Marko

Rezultat: Team Switzerland [07:13] Team Serbia





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Main iRC channel - #serbia.fifa , #esl.fifa

ENC 2009 - The third Qualification Round in FIFA 09

/ Team Portugal vs. Serbia /

vs Team Portugal


Team Portugal vs Team Serbia - 20.05.09 (SREDA) 21:00h - mIRC kanal @ quakenet #enc.fifa.live6


* Last © [2:3] [3:4] ReBBa ©

* Red [2:1] [2:2] Joko

* Lenam [2:1] [8:2] Marko

* Pimenta [2:0] [2:2] Kesar

* Deco [3:0] [2:5] Rounder

Rezultat: Team Portugal [12:08] Team Serbia





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Posle 12 dana prepucavanja sa Portugalcima (mogu reci slobodno ZOHARIMA), uzeli su nam 'pobedu'....

Admin sto je vodio protest je u startu bio na njihovoj strani. Nijedan reply nisam dobio od admina, Portugalci nisu dobili penalty points (moze im se), znaci ENC- sramota.

RAzvoj dogadjaja ukratko:

* Mech je zakazan za 20.05.2009 u 21h.

* Mirc kanal nije NAPISAN na ESL stranici (ni dan danas), dok drugi su dobili i pre vremena.

* Lineup sto treba da se stavi na sajt, Portugalci nisu ni stavili, za to se dobija PP (penalty points).

* Svi mecheve su odigrani bez ikakvih problem, sem Kesarovog, sto? Jer Zohar nije bio kuci i imao je ruter i nije mogao da hostuje (da pravi server da bi igrali). (P.S. Treba da se napise na ESL ENC sajtu ako ne mozes da hostujes, moras da prijavis) i tako su njih dvojica vodili 'rat' recima - Pimenta (ZOHAR) jedino je pisao 'LOL' na svakih 20min - Kesar 'slaps Pimenta... GO GO create'.... - posle 2 sata se covek smorio...

* Na ESL kanalu koji sam JA napravio nije bilo u startu ESL ADMINA? Sto ne znam? Team leader Portugala nije bio isto... ali kad se stvari nisu odvojila po ZOHARE, odjednom su DOSLI!!!!!

* Elem posle ZOHAR pokrene Protest 'indijanski inglish - LOL - ja lol nisam ovaj .... mene Kesar insult... slika ovde'

* Onda je krenula agonija... Moj postovi u protestu? Mislite da su pogledali.... Rebini postovi (kapiten).... jok.... Dok je JIGAVOS (CMARKO DEBELI) napisao, e ae dosta smaranja LUPUS sredjuj, dosao njegov CORKO (Lupus) i rekao da je veza SADA dobra sa Pimentom i Kesarom.... itd.... dosta je napisano.... mech je ionako unapred uknjizen za ZOHARE!


P.S. Hvala svima koji su uchestvovali i igrali za reprezentaciju Srbije i u CLanBAse takmicenju i u ENC-u.

Pozdrav do sledece godine.

Best regards RyZeeR




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Sorry svima,nisam trebao da igram hamachi :(

Da li trebao da igras ili ne preko Hamachija, to nije bilo ni bitno... jer ZOhari su to... Hamachi dno dna za host... jos ti da hostujes, a on ne... tako da

Cunami na ZOHARE! Stadion Sportinga im se srusio i ceo ESL.Portugal sajt pao na x y z vekova! (Mora malo kletve :D)




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Realno na 9-7 i keki ima dve tekme sto je realno 4+ pobeda za nas ...ali ...olos je olos :/ !!!! Keki ti si odradio sta se moralo si lud :DD da je sve bilo kako je trebalo da bude ..druga prica :( !

(cekajte nas sledece godine :D )


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